

Scurati Nero d'Avola Terre Siciliane 2012

2015-02-09 00:00:00 | イタリア
Scurati Nero d'Avola Terre Siciliane 2012
Scurati Nero dAvola Terre Siciliane IGP 2012

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Wine Info
Portfolio Listing
Ceuso is located in Salemi about 12 miles from Alcamo. The estate consists of 124 acres of vineyards dominated by the native Nero d’Avola, which occupies approximately half of the vineyards. In addition, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot are grown on the property.
A family-run business, the Melia inherited the Ceuso vineyards in Salemi and released their first vintage in 1995. They soon expanded, purchasing a baglio property in 1999. The historic baglio,which dates back to the 1860s, is the present day headquarters of Ceuso. The Melia family was greatly influenced by the work of Giacomo Tachis in the region during the 1990s and considers themselves lucky to call him a friend. In fact, Tachis was the inspiration behind the Melia family’s first wine, a blend of Nero d’Avola, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot which even today carries the name of the estate.
One of the defining features of Ceuso is its white clay soil. The extremely poor soil reflects the Sicilian sun, helping the grapes mature earlier with a thicker skin. This unique terroir leaves its mark on final wines, imparting elegance that has become a signature of the Ceuso style.

Scurati Nero d'Avola Terre Siciliane IGP Sicilia

The 2011 vintage is the first expression of Scurati as a pure Nero d’Avola wine. Always focused on the native varietals of Sicily, Ceuso produces a very drinkable expression of Nero d’Avola that shows off all the personality of this indigenous variety.
Owner: Melia Family
Website: www.ceuso.it
Winemaker: Vincenzo and Giuseppe Melia
Type: Red wine
Varietals: 100% Nero d’Avola
Vineyard Location: Salemi
Orientation: North - East
Vines Planted: 1992, 2002, 2005
Trellising: Controspalliera with Guyot pruning
Vines/Acre: 1,860
Yield/Acre: 21 hl
Soil: Calcareous with a component of dark clay
Manual harvest in September followed by maceration for eight days in stainless steel using natural yeasts at a controlled temperature of 79°F, malolactic fermentation in cement tanks with glass lining
Aging Process
Eight months in cement vats with glass lining, bottle refined for three months
Tasting Notes
Color: Ruby red with purple highlights
Bouquet: Fruit nose of blackberries, blueberries and cherries with hints of liquorice and damp earth
Flavor: Balanced with good tannins, long finish
Pairings: Pairs well with salumi, grilled meats and medium-aged cheeses
Alcohol Content: 13.5%
Serving Temperature: 62°F
Production: 80,000 bottles

Press Reviews Sicilia 2012 Ceuso Scurati Nero d'Avola Terre Siciliane IGP - 87 pts
Wine Enthusiast, September 2014
“Here’s a dense but easygoing Nero d’Avola with sensations of blue flower, sweet black cherry, blueberry extract, clove and cinnamon. The soft, round palate offers juicy fruit, with a succulent blackberry finish.” - Kerin O’Keefe
Vias Imports Ltdより)

NERO D'AVOLA  ネーロ・ダーヴォラ

ネーロ・ダーヴォラ原産地呼称ワイン分布図 「カラブレーゼ」としても知られているネーロ・ダーヴォラ。その名前からカラブリア起源のものと思われがちだが、実際はシチリアが原産で、この地方で一番の赤ブドウ品種とされている。品質を追求するシチリアの生産者たちは、この品種のみでワインをつくることも少なくない。ネーロ・ダーヴォラのワインは甘いタンニンを感じるしっかりとしたボディ。洗練されたアロマが特徴で、プラムやスパイス香がする。長い熟成にも耐える。

ワインの種類: 赤
葉: 大きなハート型。縁は波打っており、葉の表面は無毛で光沢はない。
ブドウの房: 岐肩をもった中程度の円錐形。中密粒。
果粒: 中長粒もしくは中楕円粒。表面の色は青味がかっており、蝋粉が多い。
適した土壌: どのような土地でも比較的よく育つ。

Bivongi DOC

Alcamo DOC
Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG
Contea di Sclafani DOC
Contessa Entellina DOC
Delia Nivolelli DOC
Eloro DOC
Erice DOC
Mamertino di Milazzo DOC
Marsala DOC
Menfi DOC
Monreale DOC
Riesi DOC
Salaparuta DOC
Sambuca di Sicilia DOC
Santa Margherita di Belice DOC
Sciacca DOC
Vittoria DOC
Vino Vino Vino.comより)

濃い目のパープルレッド。香りがのっけからもう、特徴的で赤い実のドライフルーツの香り。ドライラズベリー、完熟した果実の香り。アセロラとはちょっと違うんだけど、マルベックの時に感じるような、レッドカラント的なニュアンス。味わいも結構濃厚で、フルーツ爆弾的ないかにも南の島のワイン! という印象。これは特徴的なんだろうな~。次のんだらわかるかな? 自分的に好きな味わいでした。

