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2012-06-14 12:15:00 | Topics
さて、エナンさんの次のお仕事は、「Justine for kids」でしょうか。6月24日、エナンもマラソンに参加しそうですね☆。メディアで、大きく報じて欲しいわ。

Well, Henin's next activity would be "Justine for kids"?. On 24th June, Henin would take part in the team☆. I hope it will be reported in the media.

Justine for Kids(Face book)

The following link is the info from ST-san on Twitter. Let me link it in this blog. Thank you very very much, ST-san. Henin was practicing marathon?

Justine Henin organise un marathon
Now, Just go to shine, Henin☆. We'll support you☆



2012-06-13 12:15:00 | Topics

I have my account of Twitter. I tweet there, communicate with my followers and search "Who is talking about a word now?". During this Roland Garros, I often searched the tweets about "Henin".

As far as I read, I sometimes found the tweets "after Henin left, I didn't watch WTA". I want Henin to know that Japanese fans tweet "we want to watch Henin"...

I don't think this is the last Henin walks on clay court... I hope, someday, she comes back to clay court with a racket... In legend tennis, also OK♪


1703.Nadal won.

2012-06-12 12:15:00 | Topics
男子決勝、ナダルが優勝しました。おめでとうございます。クレーでは、やはり強かったですね。6-4, 6-3, 2-6, 7-5で、RG7勝目をあげました。ちなみに、2010年からの3連勝です。

In Men's final, Nadal got the title. Congratulations. He was just strong in clay court. He win 7th title at Roland Garros. It was the third consecutive victory from 2010.

Nadal beats Djokovic to win 7th French Open title
King of clay became the first 7th title winner in the history of RG. Very strong.

Now, the clay season without Henin was just finished... This year, we could see Henin as a commentator, it was happy. But watching Sharapova's win, I had complicated feeling... My feeling will go to grass season quietly... Well, Henin will do marathon with kids?



2012-06-11 12:15:00 | Topics

In Men's final, the match was suspended because of rain. Nadal led with 6-4, 6-3, 2-6, 1-2. We'll see what will happen by this suspending?...

Oh, according to this photo, Djokovic has broken the bench. I didn't watch the final at all, so, I don't know why he broke it... Anyway, he got 1 set from Nadal. Now, I want to watch the final tonight...


1701.Maria won.

2012-06-10 12:15:00 | Topics

In women's final, Sharapova got the title. Congratulations. I watched the final a little, Sharapova did some super shots, better than Errani. Very strong. Errani also became famous in this two weeks.

Sharapova got the career Grand Slam by this fourth GS victory. It was the great achievement Henin couldn't get. Hmm., honestly speaking, this is the photo I didn't want to look the most(^^;).., but I accept her victory... Because Henin's great achievement never changes by anything, and Sharapova had talent she reached to some finals in Grand Slam. So, Congratulations to Sharapova.

Now, Men's final, today. I want UNIQLO-Djokovic who beat Federer to play best. Maybe, he is the only one player who has a chance to stop Nadal in clay court, I think. I'll support Djokovic☆



2012-06-09 20:54:13 | Topics

Men's final is Djokovic v.s. Nadal. Hmm., Federer lost to Djokovic in straight set... Well, Errani got the title of women's doubles!. Wow. She would be able to win in the singles match too!?. Just go with that momentum!



2012-06-09 02:41:05 | Topics
00:17 from web (Re: @be_tennis_fan
@be_tennis_fan Thank you again for the good video!. Justine... I just want to see her on clay court... OK, I support Stosur!

00:25 from web

00:29 from web (Re: @be_tennis_fan
@be_tennis_fan Yes, I'm waiting for legend-Justine☆. Sad to see Stosur's lose..

00:33 from web (Re: @JustineN1
@JustineN1 Yes, sad for Stosur's lose... I want to see Kvitova in the final. Sorry, Sharapova...

07:15 from web (Re: @be_tennis_fan
@be_tennis_fan Good morning. I slept before the match started, sorry. It was at midnight here... And, thank you very much for your videos☆

07:18 from web (Re: @JustineN1
@JustineN1 Good morning!. Eh?.., Sharapova won?. Hmm., I don't want to see her career GS...

21:59 from web (Re: @be_tennis_fan
@be_tennis_fan yes.., but I communicate with you. I can feel close to Belgium. Thank you very much. I keep supporting Ju and Goffin☆

22:18 from TweetCaster for Android (Re: @be_tennis_fan
@be_tennis_fan yes, I'm looking forward to his tennis! Of course, Ju's activity too. Allez! !

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