
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2012-06-22 12:15:00 | Topics

I got some info about Henin from ST-san☆. Always thank you very very much!. Let me write about it in this blog, thank you. These are the photos of video from Belgian fan, thank you. Oh, when she was 5 years old, she was already appeared on TV?. She is just a born star.


Juju at 15 was already Juju whom we know. She has an attractive aura☆. If you want more info, check the comment in previous topic, please☆
Now, she became a nice woman. I'm looking forward to her activity♪



2012-06-21 12:15:00 | Topics

According to the news, Date-san was recommended as a member of Olympics☆. She couldn't get in it by her current ranking, so, the recommendation was only way for Olympics. The final members will be announced on 28th. I want her to play there...

In 2008, Dementieva got the gold medal. Oh., 4 years has already passed since then... She retired two years later in 2010 from then. I wanted her to get the GS title too...

In 2004, Henin got the gold medal. Looking back, she had a viral disease in that year, I remember so. But she got a great win there. That's just Henin☆



2012-06-20 12:15:00 | Topics

According to Date-san's blog, she began to practice at Wimbledon at last☆. Before Roland Garros, she got the title in ITF tournament at Gifu and was in good condition. So, it was sorry to have the injury for her... She must have felt down, but she really tries to get over it now. I respect her very much. But yes, she had better have a break in her work-☆

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~

Haha, Date-san belongs to Kirin☆. I often try a variety of alcohol-free beers. Now I like this one made by Asahi the most. I liked Suntry before.

Well, Henin would drink alcohol after her retirement?... I think Belgian food moules frites would be delicious with Belgian beer-☆

Belgian food(Wikipedia)



2012-06-19 12:15:00 | Topics
6月15日に、エナンがツイッターで「Justine For Kidsまであと10日です!。私と一緒に走りましょう! 」とつぶやいていました。アンの洞窟って、ベルギーでは有名なのかな~☆

On 15th June, Henin tweeted "10 days before the Marathon Justine for Kids! come and run with me!". Grottes de Han is famous in Belgium-?, Maybe so☆

Justine Henin vous attend le 24 juin au Domaine des Grottes de Han pour le premier marathon par equipe au profit de l'association Justine for Kids.

ジュスティーヌ・エナンは、Justine for Kidsの最初のマラソンで、6月24日にアンの洞窟であなたをお待ちしております。

Justine For Kids
Justine Henin Twitter
La Grotte de Han

Henin's body gets thin since when she played tennis... I'm a little sad to see it.., but anyway, I'll support her activity with all my heart☆



2012-06-18 12:15:00 | Topics

I read Date-san's blog every day since losing at RG, of course☆. Reading about Buckingham Palace on her blog, it brought back some memories about my London-trip. Haha, it's a long time ago...

Date-san's blog ~ Always Smile ~
何だか記憶に残っているのが、「ブリディッシュイングリッシュ」の存在です。私は、まだ英語の勉強中ですが、、とりあえず「Exit」は「Way out」、「Subway」は「Underground」と、ちと言い回しが違ったのを覚えています。こだわりがあるのかしら。。

Well, I still remember there was "British English". I'm still studying English, and don't know the detail. But I remember that "Exit" is "Way out", "Subway" is "Underground" in London. They're a little difference in English. Is it formality?...
London brings back my memories about Henin every year... Sad...



2012-06-17 21:13:10 | Topics

I went to see hydrangea. This is the photo of Shichidanka which everyone called it "Phantasmal hydrangea" before. But now, you can see it anywhere.

The phantasmal Wimbledon?...


1707.Look like?

2012-06-16 12:15:00 | Topics

The player who looks like Henin is this, Brianti, I think. She is from Italy. In the first round at RG, she got 1 set from top-seeded Azarenka, it was very close match.

Alberta Brianti(Wikipedia)

She is two years my senior than Henin. And of course, she is also one-handed backhand. Well., Italian players are good at playing on clay court?. Errani and Schiavone were good at RG.
Anyway, Henin is the Best☆. Henin is Henin, she is unique and special!



2012-06-15 12:15:00 | Topics

On Sunday, when men's final was playing at RG, I watched the movie "Inception" on TV(^^;)... Haha, I'm not so much interested in tennis except Henin... For me, this movie was fresh idea, so, it's one of my favorite movies.


This girl is Ellen Page who acted "architect" of dream world. A few years ago, I got a comment "Henin looks like this girl" on my YouTube. What do you think of her?(^^;). Well, I found the following topic about the ending which the film director talked.


In my opinion, the most important of the ending was that Cobb didn't check the spinning top. At that time, Cobb saw his children. He didn't choose to check the top(He didn't check whether his world is real or dream). That's the most important for message at the ending.

Why the movie was that ending?

Oh, I see... It doesn't matter whether it's real or dream. It's the most important "what you think the most now and what you choose now". Maybe.., it doesn't matter whether Henin plays tennis or not... I just support what Henin thinks the most and chooses just now☆
