
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2012-06-15 12:15:00 | Topics

On Sunday, when men's final was playing at RG, I watched the movie "Inception" on TV(^^;)... Haha, I'm not so much interested in tennis except Henin... For me, this movie was fresh idea, so, it's one of my favorite movies.


This girl is Ellen Page who acted "architect" of dream world. A few years ago, I got a comment "Henin looks like this girl" on my YouTube. What do you think of her?(^^;). Well, I found the following topic about the ending which the film director talked.


In my opinion, the most important of the ending was that Cobb didn't check the spinning top. At that time, Cobb saw his children. He didn't choose to check the top(He didn't check whether his world is real or dream). That's the most important for message at the ending.

Why the movie was that ending?

Oh, I see... It doesn't matter whether it's real or dream. It's the most important "what you think the most now and what you choose now". Maybe.., it doesn't matter whether Henin plays tennis or not... I just support what Henin thinks the most and chooses just now☆
