
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

411.Ana Ivanovic.

2008-10-18 09:11:39 | Tennis
Ana Ivanovic。このタイトルで、このブログに来てくれた方はどのくらいいるのでしょうか。。最近、彼女は調子悪そうですねぇ。。でも、間違いなく"スター"だと思います。この口元近くに、こぶしをかかげるガッツポーズはお馴染みですね。

Ana Ivanovic. How many people came here by this title? Recently, she was not in good condition.. But I think she is just "a star". It's the well-known pose that she pumps one's fist into around her mouth.

Japanese media called her "The fairy of Serbia". When I watched her in Berlin, there were many galleries, so I thought she was "a star". Hum, I'm interested in only Henin(laugh).., but let me support other players equally.
Equally...? No(laugh). It's my priority photo I edited previously.

Oh, this is Ana-san? It's the advertisement in overseas magazine. Wow, She is just "a star" in the world. But, this is not.. a tennis magazine?(laugh)

To me, it's hard to watch this scene in 2008 RG(right). Only one year later since 2007 RG, Henin handed over the cup to Ana-san.. Oh, No.., I'm writing about Henin now.. Sorry., I have to write about Ana-san in this topic(laugh) Congratulations on GS title, Ana-san. Now, Get out of "your tunnel" by oneself!