
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

136.I want the ball...

2008-02-16 08:34:07 | Diary
Good morning. Oh! Henin won against A. Kleybanova by 6-4, 6-3. Good match! Henin! How about Antwerp? I think she must have a special feeling for Antwerp..
Oh! this photo.. I envy.. I want the ball.. You seem to be having fun, Henin! Yes, you should enjoy playing tennis in Belgium! It's so happy things to have support from nation in your country! Enjoy it!
Now! You'll have a match, today! I'll support you in Japan.
Go for a champion! Allez!!!

Well, today, I'll go for a drink to celebrate my friend's birthday. We have a meeting after a long time. I hear she will get back to her hometown this April. We have each own life. Of course, I know it. But we feel a little bit lonely... No.. We should smile and support to go her new step! Tonight, we'll talk so much about many things. But in my case, if I drink too much, I won't remember it.. Be careful,, me!

↓Sugiyama-san! Good match! 頑張って下さい!
Well... Where's Henin's topic?? Please follow up her, Japanese media..(laugh)

135.First step!

2008-02-15 12:57:54 | Tennis
Henin won against T. Pironkova by 6-7, 6-3, 6-1!!! Oh! Blue Henin! Good color!
It finished early in the morning in Japan. When I got up, I checked it. Phew... Okay, Good, Henin! I was relieved to know her won. It was first match since her shocking lost against Sharapova at Australian Open in January.

I didn't watch her yesterday's match, but it seemed not to be so easy from the viewpoint of score. Probably I think, she must have be nervous... Whenever we lose one's confidence, it's a split second.. Yes,, it's destroyed in an instant.. To build it again is not easy.. We have to go forward step by step.. I often lose my confidence(laugh). When I lose it, I always have a hard time. It's difficult to control it. I think if you are a athlete, it's more difficult.

Go for a next step! Go for a champion! Henin! Winning in your home(Belgium) will be your great step!

Hey! Japanese media! Please post Henin's photo!(laugh)

134.Valentine's Day.

2008-02-14 12:56:29 | Diary
Today, February 14th is Saint Valentine's Day. I went to buy so-called "obligation chocolate" to department store with my woman coworker. Of course yes, we look forward to something in return for the chocolates(laugh). There were many chocolate store. Most of them sold expensive one which I usually can't eat(laugh). We bought the chocolates of 500 Yen for three pieces. What a expensive one! We tried chocolate samples at many store. I surely think it's worth paying. I always eat so cheap one, so I can realize that difference(laugh). It was good taste! I love it! But I love cheap one too. Because it's simple. Oh,,, I'm a person who doesn't cost a lot of money(laugh).

Well,,, now, my boss is absent for three days in a row... We have many trouble because of his absent... We have to say "sorry about delays" to our clients.. But we have to give some chocolates to the person like him??? You kidding?? Give me a break...

Hello, Henin! Today, it's your match, right?! We were waiting for you! Oh... night match in Antwerp??? Umm... I'll support you in my sleep in Japan..
Well,, in this photo, it's the airplane?? Brussels airlines..?? it's a new sponsor or something?? Oh! You are a big star, a big heroine in Belgium! No doubt about it!

Now! Go for a new step! Henin! Allez!!!

133.Aghhhhh! sucks!

2008-02-13 12:45:01 | Diary
Yesterday afternoon, I had a meeting with other department. I was disgusted soooooooo much,, after a long time.... I rarely have the opportunities to get angry, but yesterday,,, in the end....%#$"*+`@"&!!!! (laugh)

I can't write the details about that in English because of my poor English.. Humm.. To tell you the truth, I'm not in the mood now.. I don't have the energy to write it in English..

But I can say that... It's so easy just to say something...
Why don't you do it? Just saying?? And, Follow the rules!

Sorry about my today's topic..
I need to have time to refresh..

132.Hello! How are you?

2008-02-12 13:01:21 | Tennis
Um... I'm so sleepy today... Last night, I sit up so late to do some stuff.. But luckily, it's just four days this week! It helps me a little bit...

Oh! Hello! Henin. We were waiting for you! In Antwerp, It's the players' party?? Sounds good! I always wish your win. Go for it! Allez!!!

And Sugiyama-san too! Please have Henin's autograph for me(laugh). Yes of course, I want your autograph too! You eat lots of Belgian chocolate?? I envy it..

I like a chocolate so much. I always stock up lots(laugh). But some chocolate I buy is usually cheap... In most cases, it's 100 yen(laugh)...
I buy some chocolate produced from different companies. Even if it looks the same one, each chocolate is a little different(laugh). It's surely cheap one, but I can enjoy some chocolate much enough. But recently, when I eat it too much, I have skin rash on face(cry). Just that bother me..

Well, I'm looking forward to hearing your news about tennis as early as possible, Henin. Allez!!!

Umm... I have to work so quickly...


131.Keep the motivation!

2008-02-11 18:19:51 | Diary
February 11th is "Japan's National Foundation Day". Yes, Today was national holiday. And it was three days off in a row!

When I'm on the job, I always think I have to do something I can't do on weekdays, on a holiday. Buuuut! It's difficult for me to do it.. Doesn't it hit you too?(laugh) Even if I have enough time to do something, I sit in front of a personal computer like now(laugh). I have a weak will.......

Surely, around me, there're many temptation.. TV, PC, tennis(laugh),, so many things. I have to forget them to do something.. I need patience..(laugh) But of course, sometimes I need slack off. It's a well-balance..

What do you do to keep the motivation?? I think we need a strong sense of purpose, or need to enjoy it. It's the best to be able to enjoy it(the process). But I just don't have a chance to do it. We usually need strong goal. Don't you think so?? Only me??(laugh)

So, to give stimulation to myself, I registered for the TOEIC today. I'll take it after a long time. Umm... It'll be to my motivation???(laugh)...

Even if I do anything to it, it depends on myself...
Yes, I know that so much... and I know it's so difficult to do...(laugh)
Go for it! me!


130.The moment of...

2008-02-10 14:13:09 | Diary
Aw,,, I have a weak stomach a few days.. But it's not the cold. So, this morning, I went swimming. If I have time, I go swimming once a week. But in January, I couldn't go so many time..

I don't know the details about swimming. Because I just do to keep my health and relieve stress. But when I swim, I always think it's important to control my power.

At the beginning, I put my full power all the time. It might be also good in one's own way(laugh). But these days, I think I should put my power just the moment when I make strokes with my arms. It's good to slack off basically, and to put my power at just "the moment". In fact, I can swim faster by that way.

Yes of course, I think this is all across the board. My daily life, my job, any other sports, etc.. I need not put full power all the time. I think it's just important to find out "the moment of the impact". If I can find it, I'll be able to have a great life(laugh). To seek the moment is my work for now... What do you think???

129.Which photo?? ①

2008-02-09 14:22:05 | Tennis
Expressing something is difficult.. Don't you think so?? Because there're many ways to express something. It has every possibility! So you can select the way which you think the best in many ways. Yes maybe, it depends on your sensibilities so much. For example, these photos(laugh). Which photo do you like the best of three photos?? I like this photo(①) the best!

In my job(statistical analysis), the answer is just one. Of course, It has many methods. But the theory never change. So I sometimes think that my job might be easier than other jobs from viewpoint of expressing, and I sometimes dream expressing.

Expressing is creating. Creating is expressing. I often think it's great artistic thing. Of course yes, sports, songs, movies,, anything which we can express is art. We can have many opportunities to come into contact with the arts. And from everything, I selected the tennis and this player. Yes, I found the art in her tennis!

Anyway, expressing has every possibility(laugh).
Make a choice which you think the best by your sensibility!

129.Which photo?? ②

2008-02-09 14:21:50 | Tennis
It's said Henin is "The queen on clay". But I like white Henin on green(laugh). I mean I like she plays tennis with wearing white uniform on green grass at Wimbledon.

She didn't get the title yet at WB. Conversely, that's also attractive thing! And, Wimbledon reminds us that tennis is traditional sports. I think it makes me feel better to her tennis. Ahaha.. This is my arbitrary opinion. Please don't mind.

129.Which photo?? ③

2008-02-09 14:21:04 | Tennis
I think every shots are great. Because I'm a fan, I think so(laugh).
Well, From viewpoint of expressing, What do you think?


Ahaha,,, This is really my arbitrary opinion. Please enjoy these difference!
Well... I'm a person of leisure(OTAKU)?? No,no.no... I'm a decent worker. And it's my hobby to edit and modify something(laugh).
Please permit me in the "possibility of expressing"(laugh)

Finally, Thank you, Henin!