
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

133.Aghhhhh! sucks!

2008-02-13 12:45:01 | Diary
Yesterday afternoon, I had a meeting with other department. I was disgusted soooooooo much,, after a long time.... I rarely have the opportunities to get angry, but yesterday,,, in the end....%#$"*+`@"&!!!! (laugh)

I can't write the details about that in English because of my poor English.. Humm.. To tell you the truth, I'm not in the mood now.. I don't have the energy to write it in English..

But I can say that... It's so easy just to say something...
Why don't you do it? Just saying?? And, Follow the rules!

Sorry about my today's topic..
I need to have time to refresh..