
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

146.More lessons...?

2008-02-23 13:08:45 | Diary
This morning, I went to English school after a 2 week absence.. Umm.. I should have more lessons.. I had my teacher check my some blog's topics. Ahaha... I had many corrections by my teacher. But I always enjoy my mistakes are corrected. Knowing something new about English is interesting thing to me. Because I can know different language and culture. Yes, it's a stimulus to me(laugh).

Well, my mother sent me Japanese cherry's photo in my hometown, Shizuoka. Wow, Spring has come already?? Really?? In Tokyo, it's still cold.. But surely, I think cedar pollen might be circulating in the air because of getting warmer gradually.. Yes, I have an allergy to pollens. I have hay fever.. I like spring as a season, for sure. but I don't like spring so much because of hay fever(bitterly laugh)..

↓Nishikori-kun, good match! Go for a next chance!

145.Next is Andy Roddick!

2008-02-22 12:58:03 | Tennis
Oh! Japanese prince, Nishikori-kun, Great start!
Last week, he got a title after 16 years in Japan. It was a long time no title.. He attracted Japanese media in one night. He was supported 10 million yen per year from tennis fond for 5 years. Wow.. It's a dramatical story! The chairman who find him has great eyes. And Nishikori-kun who responded to the expectations of him is soooo great! He is still 18 years old. I'm looking forward to his more wins!! Go for it!

Well, Henin will participate in Barclays Dubai Tennis Championships Dubai. Oh, Maria Sharapova is lined up too!
Now! Come on, Henin! You will have a opportunity to revenge a defeat at Australian Open QF. I think you will make a great ready and fighting tactics about that. We always support you!
Go to Dubai! Go for a champion! Alleeeeeez!!!

Andy Roddick

Dubai Tennis Championships

144.The ramen!

2008-02-21 12:56:36 | Diary
Last night, I went to eat ramen with my coworker. It was the opportunity to eat it after a long time. The ramen shop is near Shinagawa station. we can go there after work. It's a convenient location. I ate "Hira-tsukemen" at Setagaya. Yes, It's separated between noodles and soup. It was lots of noodles, and delicious! I like it.

Well, The ramen is Japanese food or Chinese food??? Do you know that??? So, I checked it by Wikipedia(laugh). According to it, the ramen is Japanese food of Chinese origin. Yes, it's Japanese food. Many countries have the noodles in that area. For example, The pho, It's Vietnamese food. I like it! It's made of rice, and very healthy food!

In winter, It's good to warm our body and mind to eat hot food. And sometimes, we should eat it, yes, not often. I think eating it after a long time makes us feel the taste is better(laugh).

Well, Don't you want to eat the ramen?(laugh) Whenever I hear the ramen's topic from someone, I want to eat it(laugh) I recommend you to eat the ramen!(laugh)

What's the ramen?

What's the pho?


143.Blu-ray Disc won...

2008-02-20 12:59:19 | Topics
Toshiba recently announced HD DVD plans to withdraw from the development of the next generation DVD. It means Blu-ray Disc will be standardized.. Oh, Sony.. You won.. It was said the cause was Toshiba broke away from Warner.. It was a early big decision. Umm.. It's a severe business..

In VHS-Beta tussle, Despite the format's superior quality, Sony(Beta) was beaten in the battle for market share by VHS recorders. Oh,, Sony revenged a defeat, this time??(laugh)
It seemed to have a business tactics. In the early stages, Sony announced officially BD, and made a connection with many big companies.. Yes, It must have based on the lessons from this defeat.

Defeats have worth. To be sure, when we lost, we are so disappointed. But we might be able to have some chances from the defeat, if we can find something from the defeat. Yes it'll become a new step! Find something from the defeat! me!(laugh)

Blu-ray Disc

↓Oh,, Federer's topic. Hey,, Japanese media,, Please post Henin's photo too..(laugh)

142.with Federer!

2008-02-19 13:00:44 | Tennis
Congratulations, Henin! She was awarded "The Laureus World Sports Awards". I don't know the details about that. But I know it's great thing! Federer was awarded 4 times in a row.. G,G,G,G,Great...!!!

↓Henin is No.1! Yes of course! Oh, Kuz! Come back to No.2!

↓Japanese prince, Nishikori-kun! Great win! I'm looking forward to your more win!

141.Tokyo marathon

2008-02-19 12:45:17 | Topics
Last Sunday, "Tokyo marathon" was held in Tokyo city. It wasn't a big topic to me. Because last Sunday was Henin's final match in Antwerp(laugh). But when I went swimming, I took the photo on the way to public pool. It was said about 30 thousand runners competed in the race. Wow.. so many runners..

When I was a new employee, I used to jog after work. Because I didn't have many work, so I had enough my free time(laugh). But now, I can't jog because of overtime work.. And probably,, I don't have enough energy to jog(laugh).
If I have enough physical and mental energy, I want to begin jogging again(laugh)...


140.Go for a next step!

2008-02-18 12:55:28 | Tennis
Henin won against K. Knapp by 6-3, 6-3! She got the title in Antwerp! Congratulations, Henin! Great match as a queen!

Last night, I watched the score board on live on the internet. It started from 22:30 in Japan. I couldn't watch their tennis on screen, but I was sure of Henin's victory from the beginning of match. It's no reason(laugh), it's because I'm a fan(laugh).
The Proximus Diamond Games in Antwerp was last time, this year. I think it might be special tournament to her and Belgium. She responded to the people's expectations in Belgium. Great job, Henin! You are a heroine in Belgium! Definitely yes!
And her family seemed to come to watch her match. Good for you, Henin! I think this title must be a great step to her in a lot of ways. Congratulations, Henin!

Now! Just go for a next step, Henin! Allez!!!

↓Thank you, Japanese medea! Good photo! I like it!

Well... Today, I'm sleepy a little bit.. The real world constantly come(laugh). I have to change my mind.. Phew.. I also have to do my best..

138.Some years ago...

2008-02-17 19:59:02 | Diary
Today, It was my typical holiday. I got up, went swimming, cleaned my room, did the laundry, went to buy some livingware and made a ready for my tomorrow's lunch box.. And now,, I sit in front of my PC(laugh).

When I went to buy some livingware, I looked bad(laugh). I rode a bicycle with many shopping bags... toilet paper, cleaning material, dental powder and so on, like this photo.. Then.. I brought back the past when I rode a motorbike.. When I was a college student, I rode it. Oh.. I was cool!(laugh). But now, I ride a bicycle... If I can have some opportunities to ride a motorbike, I want to ride again.. But I think it's so dangerous because of a long blank(laugh).

Well, I was often said "You seemed not to be like a person who ride a motorbike". Humm.. I think so, too(laugh).
Maybe, if you look at me, you will think so, and how old I am(laugh). Be careful! The person might be different from what you look(laugh).

Well, in a few hours, Henin's match will start! Focus on the match, Henin! Fight for Belgium and Belgian! I'll support you in Japan. Allez!!!

Incidentally,, I'm older than Henin. Yes,, I respect a younger Belgian than me. I think there might be not a person like her in Japan, now.
Ahaha.. It's a fan's talk(laugh). Don't mind(laugh). Please leave me alone(laugh).

Thank you, Japanese media!(laugh)


2008-02-17 00:47:31 | Tennis
Phew... Henin won against T. Bacsinszky by 2-6, 6-3, 6-3. Oh,,, It seemed not to be so easy.. Although I didn't watch her match yet, I worry about the score, a little bit.. I know we always are not in good condition. She is still nerves?? But it's OK, Henin! Any win is win(laugh). Even if we are not in good condition, we have to deal with it... Maybe I think, she know the way to control it And that's the point of top player, I think Keeping or controlling your good condition is difficult.. But I believe you can do it, Henin!
Now! Go for a champion! one more win! Allez!!!

Yes,,, keeping my good condition was difficult(laugh). Tonight, I went for a drink to celebrate my friend's birthday. I enjoyed talking with them. But my condition was not good... I get drunk on just two glasses of shochu.. Eh???? I always can drink much more(laugh).. Umm.. these days,, I didn't get enough sleep.. I think it's the cause...

It's really difficult to keep my good condition(laugh) Humm.. in my case,, I just should not drink.. That's all.. yes,, easy... But I yield to the temptation... The one at fault is just me...