
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

129.Which photo?? ①

2008-02-09 14:22:05 | Tennis
Expressing something is difficult.. Don't you think so?? Because there're many ways to express something. It has every possibility! So you can select the way which you think the best in many ways. Yes maybe, it depends on your sensibilities so much. For example, these photos(laugh). Which photo do you like the best of three photos?? I like this photo(①) the best!

In my job(statistical analysis), the answer is just one. Of course, It has many methods. But the theory never change. So I sometimes think that my job might be easier than other jobs from viewpoint of expressing, and I sometimes dream expressing.

Expressing is creating. Creating is expressing. I often think it's great artistic thing. Of course yes, sports, songs, movies,, anything which we can express is art. We can have many opportunities to come into contact with the arts. And from everything, I selected the tennis and this player. Yes, I found the art in her tennis!

Anyway, expressing has every possibility(laugh).
Make a choice which you think the best by your sensibility!

129.Which photo?? ②

2008-02-09 14:21:50 | Tennis
It's said Henin is "The queen on clay". But I like white Henin on green(laugh). I mean I like she plays tennis with wearing white uniform on green grass at Wimbledon.

She didn't get the title yet at WB. Conversely, that's also attractive thing! And, Wimbledon reminds us that tennis is traditional sports. I think it makes me feel better to her tennis. Ahaha.. This is my arbitrary opinion. Please don't mind.

129.Which photo?? ③

2008-02-09 14:21:04 | Tennis
I think every shots are great. Because I'm a fan, I think so(laugh).
Well, From viewpoint of expressing, What do you think?


Ahaha,,, This is really my arbitrary opinion. Please enjoy these difference!
Well... I'm a person of leisure(OTAKU)?? No,no.no... I'm a decent worker. And it's my hobby to edit and modify something(laugh).
Please permit me in the "possibility of expressing"(laugh)

Finally, Thank you, Henin!