
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2009-07-16 12:35:34 | Topics

Hmm., I had trouble to upload this clip, even if it's just for a moment(laugh)... According to the book I'm reading now, "get into a zone" which athlete often said means their brain breaks out of the limiter control, and into a disinhibiting, and they can do the best. So, thinking of "zone", I brought back this scene(laugh). Uploading this clip on this blog was very trouble for me., so I used the following free software... Oh, I'm crazy for it... So, Let me record about free software(laugh).

・Riva FLV Encoder

* TRICK2 episode 6 and 7

I always use those free softwares in making clips. Now, "zone" in the book would be different from "zone" in TRICK2(laugh).., it's the book written by brain science academian, Mogi-san. Actually, I'm a fan of Mogi-san☆. When I read this book, I'm interested in it, because I have similar situation about "brain" to in what the book is written.

* Kenichiro Mogi(Wikipedia)

If you concentrate a lot for your aim, your brain breaks out of limiter control. This is called "Flow". In case of athlete, this is called "get into a zone". It means you can get absorbed in something, as if you forget all about the time. The individual sports like tennis, it depends on fight for oneself, it might be "key point" to control one's brain. Maybe(laugh).

When you concentrate to your limit, surroundings and sounds disappear from consciousness.
It's said ace athlete gets into a zone in the world-class match.

* Flow(Wikipedia)

Hmm., whether you can control the game or not, it might depend on "brain concentration". When I played tennis at school, whether I could play well or not, it almost depend on my concentration, I thought.(Hmm., because I was not a good player)... If you can get into a zone, you might work effectively for everything. Zo---ne☆