Feelin' Kinda Lucky


Congratulations, Nick !

2011年01月05日 | trip

When our boy Shaw went to Chicago area for homestay with our friend Mike's family in 2002, he met Nick,  son of Jeff and spent a good time with him.  Nick is almost same age as Shaw and got a good friend each other.

Nick took Shaw to his high school and Nick kindly introduced Shaw to the classmates.

I also met Nick later at the lakeside house of Mike's parents' on the Independence Day 2003. We did band playing with him. He plays drums as well as his father Jeff.

The guy on drum is Nick's father, Jeff. Jeff is Mike's good old friend.

When Mike was born and was brought home from hospital to his home first time, Jeff who was 3 Years old at that time, came over to see him before Mike even got in the house. So Mike has known Jeff since he was a couple of days old !!

We really spent a good time with Mike, his family , and his friends. That was one of the most unforgettable   experiences of my trips ever. The picture below -  Jim,Mike and me -  really great beloved "Three Stooges".

Yesterday Cherie, Nick's Mom got in touch with me through facebook and let me know Nick is now railroad engineer and just now married ! I was surprised Nick got full-grown !!

(from left younger sister Sarah , Nick's wife Amanda , Nick, Cherie and Jeff)

Mike told me Sarah played La Cross at the high school and college. Jeff coaches La Cross team at the      high school she attended. When we met Sarah in the lake she was a cutie little girl. Now she got a lady!

Shaw now works hard for the world largest Pneumatic control system manufacturer.His company has almost 20 brach offices in USA. and US headquarter is located 30 miles north-west of Indianapolis.I hope he would be transferred there and can see Nick and family someday again! ( the picture below was taken 2 weeks ago, at his 26th birthday dinner)

Time passed , every young one has grown up , we got a little bit older though ー Still "Life Is Good !"  (Mike's father says.....)

We are also happy we heard Cherie got over disease and now looks so fine !

We really appreciate Cherie got in touch with us.  

Raise a toast to Nick and Amanda ! and all friends in Chicago area !

(和訳) おめでとう!ニック








時は流れ 子供たちは成長し 私達は少々年をとった。でも人生はすばらしい! (マイクのパパの口癖)


シェリーが連絡してくれたこともホントにうれしく思う! ニック夫妻に乾杯!そしてシカゴ界隈のお友達みんなにも!


