Feelin' Kinda Lucky


フェンダーの工場 他・・・ Visiting Fender Factory in California.. and some more...

2012年01月30日 | Musical Instrument

ちょっと前だけどお正月明けに行ったフェンダーのコロナ工場。 展示ブースのレオフェンダーの試作品 もち歴史的遺産。

I visited Fender's Corona Factory in California with my pals,  Here's early prototypes, of course historical legacy !  


The employees in Fullerton era 1954. Famous "Tadeo Gomez" can be seen  in the picture. - glassed tanned guy 2nd from the left of 3rd.row from above.


stock in process for trem block of Stratocaster, one of the most effective parts for defining feature of Stratocaster's note.

ピックアップボビン コイルを巻く前。まるでクッキーでも焼き上がったような置き方!

Pickup bobbins, looks baking cookies !


putting a truss rod into the neck. 


necks just installed fretts, before cutting frills


winding pickups by machine for bulk articles


polishing body by skilled worker, I wonder there would be some individual difference for each body. 


drying process for painted bodies by overhead conveyor systems suspended from the ceiling


Final inspection for Jazzmaster


Pickup booth for master winder Avigail Ybarra who works continuoisly  for Fender since 1956 ! . I ws soooo sad that she was off that day,.

カスタムショップの出来たてホヤホヤ。カスタムショップはなんでもアリだね。 レリック仕様の作り方の質問をいろいろしたら全部『内緒っ!』っていわれちゃったよ。

Bran new one just out of the custom shop, they can build up whatsoever clients ask. I asked how they process the relic finish..They answered " secret !"

こちら恒例のギターフェスティバル  テレキャスターの巨匠3人のバンド、かのへレキャスターズ。聴いたあとは暫くテレキャスターを手にする気が失せます。

Annual Guitar Geek Festival in Anaheim,  Here's the Hellecaters - 3 big meistersof  Telecatser - you know, after watching their performances I've totally lost my lust for playing my telly for a while !!

覆面サーフバンド ロス・ストレートジャケッツ コミカルで楽しいステージ!

Masked surf rock band - Los Straighthackets, groovy and funny haha  !!


What a surprise !  the band with belly dance Rick Vito/King Paris- The exotic sounds abound from studio ace and former Fleetwood Mac sideman!

It really helped me to reduce sleepiness.

展示のコーナー  ES295は最近はCharの証券会社のカッチョイイCMでおなじみだけど、ヤッパエルビスのバックのスコッティムーアだよねえ。

Some equipments were displayed.  impressive 1953 Gibson ES295, recently popular in commercial film here in Japan, but it certainly reminds me Scottie Moore for Elvis' band.


Old effetors looks cool as well as Mosrite collection.

こちらは別の所でのギターショーから。 お高くなりましたあ!

Following pictures are from a vintage guitar show in Costa Messa, early Les Paul, Nice color ! 


classic style amplifiers, what about keeping one for antique item for your living room!


It was fun !  and saving 'cause there I can find nothing to buy !