
Tell some about KARUIZAWA, a mountain resort......

We've stayed in our mountain cottage in Karuizawa last weekend. It's a long winter and we can see few leaves though it should be the season of new green leaves in May.

Karuizawa is an upmarket mountain resort at the foot of the active volcano Mount "Asama" in Nagano prefecture.

Late 1800's British theologian Alexander C. Shaw introduced Karuizawa to fellow missionaries as a getaway spot, particularly as an escape from the summer heat of Tokyo. 

By around 1900, Karuizawa had become an international resort town where as many as 80 percent of its cottages were owned by non-Japanese. After then The Imperial Family and upscale people gathered in summer, The Emperor and Empress also used to stay there and play tennis before and after getting married. Those episodes made Karuizawa much more special than other resort  destinations in Japan.

It takes little more than an hour to get here from Tokyo by super express railways. Various outdoor activities, such as tennis, hiking, cycling, golfing in summer and skiing and skating in winter can be enjoyed here and there are ample of shopping opportunities. On weekends, the outlet shopping mall just in front of Karuizawa Station is clowded with visitors from areas around Tokyo as well as many other Asian countries.

Here's my favorite local bakery. The secret behind its popularity is the sticky texture on the tongue that has been created using the natural characteristics of bread.

Over the last 10 years good Italian or French restaurants have been opened.  

Yummy pizza is from my kind of  Italian restaurant, doing business more than 10 years, we stop by every time.

Tastes good and price is not bad,too!

Following snapshots are from my kid age. The old house was build in almost same position as later one. I loved to play on a lawn. I still remember the days of Karuizawa everytime I get a sniff of fresh grass.

Mom and me -  my mom used to jumping around the yard for hunting unusual butterflies or huge dragonflies.

I often put on my favorite Pinocchio style hat 'cause it was my favorite Disney charactor at the time. I assumed that my nose would be longer if I tell a lie with a serious mind.  

Look at the campish monky on the tree!

My dad stayed there shortly 'cause he was busy anytime. This is very rare shot of riding horse.

My dad and grandkid, Shaw rest in a hammock. Maybe summer in 1886 ?

By the way, recently people are saying that Bill Gates or one of his shareholding companies bought a huge a vast tract of land close to my mountain cottage. It is approx. 5 acres and huge vacation house is now under construction.  

I heard some morning TV shows focused on it as well as local people talked about it . 

I actually took a short drive to see the property and found it out at  an "overlook " - on a hilltop vantage point.  I also met some realtors to check the believability. Most said they didn't know it is true or lie. 

I think it's dubious 'cause there are few reasons for him to have a vacation home here in Japan. Obviously he has plenty of opportunities to pick one out of a thousand places anywhere in the world.

I don't know why he needs to get property on quake-prone and nuke risky land in Japan. However, He sometimes behave in bizarre ways, he is absolutely different from usual wealthy individuals.  I heard he also invested in nuclear energy projects and other alternative energy field in the world

The fact is still veiled at the moment.... I hope someone would ask Melinda if it's true !

But in any case Karuizawa is and will be always nice place to stay for me.

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