Feelin' Kinda Lucky


ヒルマンミンクスとノックダウン。 " the Knock Down Kit "

2016年12月19日 | Auto


This tin toy car is 1950's Hillman Minx by Isuzu Motor Company.  Originally Hilman was designed and sold by the Rootes Group in England and it was also built in Isuzu Motor Company under licence from Rootes betweem 1950's to middle of 1960's.





After the WWⅡ Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry gave foreign automobile companies permissions to built up their cars only the way of "knock down kit ". which means foreign comapanies export all part to Japan and Japanese autiomobile companies build up to complete cars with all parts from  foreign comapanies.  Isuzu made a comtract with the Rootes Group in UK to build up Hillman Minx for Japanese market, Nissan did the same with Austin for Austin A40 or A50. Hino did with Renault in France for Renault CV4 at the time. 

↓オースチンA50    Austin A50


そして各社とも競ってKD生産を土台にして開発生産の技術を学び徐々に日本国内で部品調達率を高めていった。ヒルマンもオースチンも母国の技術者が品質評価のため来日するとその組み立て精度の高さに、本国のクルマよりもしっかり出来ていると驚いたそうある。こうした努力が実を結び、いすゞがヒルマンからべレットへ、日産はオースティンからセドリックへと100%国産乗用車メーカーとして自立していった。まさにKD生産はのちの世界に誇る高品質なニッポンの乗用車の技術確立の礎となったのである。そして成長した日本の自動車会社は、こんどは世界にKD生産、および現地での部品完全調達での生産を展開する立場になり、途上国の生産技術向上に貢献してきた。 かつて欧米の企業に助けられたおかげで世界レベルの産業に育った事実を忘れず、途上国・先進国の隔てなく世界に貢献していくという感謝の気持ちは人づきあいのみならず産業においてもいつの時代でも大切なことだと思う。

Building up automobile by the "Knock Down kit " systmes works fine and Japanese companies competed each other in accuracy with building up cars. The Engineers coming to Japan from the home countries to check the quality were filled with admiration because the cars built in Japan were so precise and mostly better than the ones bulit in their home countries. After the Japanese automobile companies ”graduated” from Knock Down kit system, thier acquired abilities learned by the system helped them to design and manufacture their original cars. Anyway "Knock Down kit "systmes did a lot for Japanese automobile industry, especially passeger vehicles to grow up to be the highest level one in the world today.  Later, roles were reversed and Japanese automobile companies helped foreign countries' automobile industry by the "Knock Down kit "systmes.  We need to keep in mind that our contry's indusries such as autombile or electronices referred stuff would never have gotten as big as they are without the US and Europian companies' support. And we need to keep on contributing to the global efforts for other countries even if they are advanced countries or newly developing nations.   I think it very important not only for us people but also for indusries or companies to feel a sense of gratitude all through the ages.

(参照 関連・こちら→ 過去ブログ ) (reference → I also once tald about the knock sown system in my weblog approx.2 years ago. click here ! ) 

帰路・南加州立ち寄り。 Stopped in Los Angeles on the way back home

2016年12月13日 | trip

依然酷くなるL.A界隈の渋滞 全米の大都市共通の問題。そういえばフィラデルフィア郊外でカープ−ル1台3人乗車!っていうフリーウェイもあったわ。いまさらだけど、考えてみれば広大な米国でみんなして1〜2トンの鉄の塊を化石燃料使って60kg程度の人間ひとりを運んでるってのも非効率だわな。

Stopped in Los Angeles on the way back home. Horrendous traffic on freeway in large cities seems worse. I've seen a carpool for "3 parson or more" around Philadelphia this time. 


Nori Tani booked a nice restaurant in Helm's Bakely District in Culver City.


There was Helm's Bakely from 1930's to late 1960's and now it's a new style complex with such award winning restaurats and mondern furnishing store. 


Neon-light advertisement is still the same.


Old Helm's Beakely delivery truck was poplular after they got a big name bakery just the time of Olympic Game in L.A held in 1932. 



Nori Tani's choice Lukshon restaurant serves unique modern Southeast Asian Cuisine and it's pleasant to our palates.Unfortunately I coun't take photos of served dishes in the dim light of the restaurant. 


Here's classic American food I suddenly feel a desire for. I enjoy the difference of coleslaw in each restaurant, sometimes tastes good, somtimes awful !


Stopped by Jim's home as usual. We've known them for more than 20 years.


Cool advertising sign on the wall. 


This is for famouse Fleers bubble gum company, probably 1940's ?

ホントはあと2人、男の子がいる。お兄ちゃんはもうバッファローの大学にいて今は動物園でインターン。シロクマ大好き、動物の世話をお仕事にするんだって。弟のポケモン小僧はどっかにチョロチョロ行っちゃっていない。 3人とも生まれたときを知ってる。子供の成長は早いな。

Eldest boy attended college in Buffalo NY and now works as an intern at the zoo. He likes animals, especailly he loves the polar bear. Youngest boy was moving around a lot and gone when we took the shot. Jackson's stil good at the Koji face like that.



We found out Christmas souvenior at Downtown Disney. Most are too heavy to take it back home.


We also visited Universal Studio Hollywood for watching Harry Potter world. There's one in Japan but it's always crowded with people all over from Asian countries. Now is a good time to visit because it's not on school breaks.


Magic wand stores ! You have lots of choices. " Expecto patronum !" It's a big mystery to me.


You Mummy, Halloween has been over, soon we'll have Chirstmas.


Marilyn is always welcome all through the year.



Funnel cake looks Japanse Tempura with creams and strawberry on top.


Brussels sprouts are sold with the branches. I've never seen those with branches in super markets in Japan. Kids usually hate it in both US and Japan. 



Now we'll go back home where Ooloo is waiting for us. See you my friend till next time and Happy Holidays !  

南加州  ビックリ クルマ関係コレクション拝見!  Amazing collectors in Southen California

2016年12月08日 | trip

Philippe my friend in Southen California who owns great tin toy cars introduced me the slot car museum. It's still construction in progress. It's also Philippe's friend Scott's home. 


Philippe showed us around the incredible amount of slot car collection ! Most of them - from small parts to complet set - are also hard to find historical items from all over the world.Philippe told those items here is only small part of the collection and the most of them are stored in a lot.

I was just left speechless. 


The original painting for the box top


A conception figure after the showroom is competed.  I cannot wait for coming after completion next year.

Made by Nichimo from Japan 


It's also from Japan but I can't remember the manufacturer though I surely owned it middle 60's.


One of custom built chassises with high accuracy


Monogram's store display samples. just desirable ! 


What do you think of this great collection ??? But this is not only the reason I was amazed. Take a look at the following photos. All cars are scott's collection !


Super musle cars including some actual racing cars  ! 


This is a real Formula 1 race car !!!!!!!!!1   It has a story here.

Sep.1971 driven by Ronnie Peterson, At the Italian GrandPrix he fininsed second to Peter Gethin's BRM by just 0.01 seconds ! Peterson was second to Jackie Stewart in the year F-1 points championship.

これは本物のF1で1971 年イタリアグランプリで ロニー・ピーターソンの運転で百分の一秒差で2位になった実車。この年、ピーターソンは かのジャッキー・スチュワートに次いでFI選手権総合2位だった。

Ford Cosworth 4 valve 3litre V8 engine, Cosworth engines won many great races and rallys at the time.


There's also full-fledged craft center inside his garage with some mechanic guys ! 


I saw some vintage cars in restoration. Some parts are specially made for it. actual hand made "one-off" parts !


OMG, 1950 Ferrari 195 S Vignale Speciale !!


the other one covered was ....

そのカバーかかってるのは?? って聞いたら・・・

Ferrari "Dino " just restored ! 


There is training gym in the basement ! Outside the building there also beautiful gargen will be set up after the accomplishment.


Thanks Philippe and Scott! We're so happy that I could see great "toys inside the great museum and house, 

Please let us know when it's completed. I cannot wait for coming back to see you again. 

イヤイヤ参りました。また来年、完成したら呼んでねーっ!(左 フィリップ、右 友人の富豪、スコット)

Illinois and Wisconsin   イリノイ と ウィスコンシン

2016年12月07日 | trip


Cubs won the world series for the first time in 108 years.


Super moon night view from 103rd. floor in the Wills Tower.


We stand on "the Ledge" of the skydeck. I cannot stand on it during daytime.

シカゴ名物 分厚いピザ。美味しいけど食べきれない。

Chocago' signature " deep dish pizza" by Giordano's.


Antique posters on the wall of Giordano's. Highly collectable each one is.


Visited Chicago Coin Op. Show in St.Charles,IL.


Old carousel organ, probably 1920 or 1930's.


Can you hear "His Master Voice" ?


1907 Multiphone - The first selectable coin operated mechanical jukebox


Old pinball games and other unique coin op. games


Beautifully restored AMI's duke box from early 1960's was the most desirable stuff in the show. But I gave it up 'cause there's no door enough wide to get it inside room in my house.


Vintage Coke stuff is always popular in any shows. I love the coin changer.


Rare old unused engines for small boats and samples of Jantzen's bathing costumes


Seeing old friends at the show. Sorry but I've lost the shot with Rob.


Seems this dealer hates "the lady" cordially. Who's gonna buy such a stuff at those antique show ???


Local homemade pies look yummy ! All are available as a whole. It looks there're many things I have to give up due to it's "size" in the States.


翌週は ウィスコンシン州のミルウォ−キーにあるハーレーダビッドソン発祥の地、同社本社内の博物館に行く。ミルウォ−キーはそう、あのビールの名所です。ミラービールはここです。大昔サッポロビールがCMでビール造りの盛んな北緯43度線付近の都市として「ミュンヘン・札幌・ミルウォーキー」と言っていたの知ってる人はもう少ない?

After the show in weekend, Mike took us Harley Davidson Museum in Milwakee Wisconsin.

WIlliam Harley and his childhood friend Arther Davidson worked on their motor-bicycle with the help of Henry Melk, who owned a machine shop in northside Milwaukee. They later received help from Ole Evinrude who was then building gas engines of his own design for automotive use on Milwaukee's Lake Street.

this wooden shack is reproduction of their first workplace.


A stock certificate issued in 1907

Harley Davidson's long history can be traced through the various versions of bikes and other referred stuff.


On the way back to Illinois we stopped by some antique malls.


those are old banners for sideshows in carnival. Somehow scared.

old vinyls 


Shop windows or any place already have become devoted completely to Christmas.


 This year it's still warm outside, Usually it's much colder and it sometimes snow in this period. And it spoils Christmas spirit.

Thanks Mike ! we like the short trips everytime you planned for us. 

New York City  ペンシルバニアからニューヨークへ・・・

2016年12月05日 | trip

Driving all the way from Pensylvania to New York in good autumn weather.  Under low price of crude oil infuluence ??  Gas price was almost half as much as one in Japan.


Here in Manhattan it's still in a boom in building construction. Tall buildings increases whenever I stop by. In particular there are many high-class apartments and property prices in prime locations are getting higher and higher ! 


And it makes the price of real estate in other side of river higher, too.

Instead, in both New Jersey side - Hoboken or Union City- and Booklyn side the crime rate is lower than it used to be and it makes them easy places in which to live.

Be that as it may many of classic buildings are carefully conserved without teardown.
It must be good example for Tokyo to follow.
Showpieces in MOMA - Museum of Modern Art 
A year-round "Holiday Shoppe" 
Bouchon Bakery's cookies! We should've brought back with us more.
Dry aged prime rib of Peter Luger Steak House since 1887. It tastes as good as I thought. They know the best way to serve meet !
I was also surprised we saw such rare stuff in NYC ! 
There's a my favorite place called "the High Line" It's a park and stores "Chelsea Market" on an elevated section of a disused rairoad withought reconstructions.   There we can enjoy some updated restaurants and food stores. This is a typoical one, "Beyond Sushi NYC - The Green Roll" 

Here's introduction movie. A picture's worth a thousand words.

Used records were also available at a small store.
You can also have all the ingredients from other countries.
Packs of Sashimi seem too high !  NYC price.
"Ninth Street Espresso" always serves good "high-end" coffee. 

Chelsea Creamline's ice cream is the best in town ! they say "farm to tray".
Lobster sandwitches at The Lobster Place. Clam chowder was good.
After walking the High Line park we passed down through the big building to the street we saw the bag dispay on a shelving unit occupying one huge wall. It ws the headquater of "Coach" as we found out soon after.

The next day it was a bummer at the night ! The center of Manhattan are were was inundated with many of NYPD officers, presspeople and curious crowd. Sidewalks were flooded with such people and we took so long to get to the subway station. After I got back in our hotel in Long Island, we tuned into TV programs covering the elections and they are all reporting "unexpected happening".


NYC is always busy night and day. it's a kind of peculiar town and not like other cities in the US. We always spend tiring days here....
