

週末 下町のお祭りの写真。

We had a fun at the matsuri of my home town this weekend. "matsuri"  is the Japanese word for traditional local Festival In Japan which is usually held early summer or early autumn. Originally it was done as an event for harvest thanksgiving and praying the happiness and good health at the shrines just like the other countries hold the festivals for the same purpose.

In the parade children pulles ropes tied to the floats called "Dashi" with beautiful decorations. 

Our grand kids Yuina & Ryura joined the parade.  

The parade takes long through the town and sometimes makes stop-and-go for taking a rest and giving kids a lot of candies and snacks from the sponsors. That's why every kid wants to join the parade. However, Yuina looks totally fed up with it.

Since it was a little bit hot outside Yuina took some water to refrain from heat stroke.

They wore the traditional Matsuri outfit. 

She got her hair and makeup done by her grandaunt.

During the festival there are many food and game stalls around the shrine and a lot of people have fun there. Yuina and Ryuta stopped by the goldfish scooping.

Looking into the water to see goldfish swimming Yuina told Ryuta how to catch it.

But for him the most interesting thing of the day was a firetruck at the fire department next to the shrine.

Kids love to try cheap sweets at the stalls. though mom doesn't want them to have those because of the hygiene.

Yuina, good girl ! She look after her li'l brother so well.

She tried to pick him up in her arms to helps him put small change into the contribustion box at the shrine.

The big gold "Mikoshi" has a place of honor in the shrine. Mikoshi is carried by young men on their sholder at the best part of the festival events.  I heard the one in the photo was a special Mikoshi and it is not showed up every time.  They carry it every for or five years just for the grand festival.

 Matsuri is special for kids all time.!

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再会 - a reunion-

いつかのブログの 「ラフマニノフのピアノ協奏曲 ホントにいいよ」 で 登場したY君。山口君と橋渡しをしてくれた米国加州在住の谷君とついに会えた!谷君とフェイスブックを介してつながり、その谷君が山口君とボクがメールで連絡をとれるようにしてくれた。ありがとう!

I could finnaly hold a reunion with my old school friends, Hiroshi and Nori.  After Nori and I got in touch with each other on facebook, he just worked as a bridge for me to contact Hiroshi by email.



We met together for the first time in almost 40 years since we left school. So we just felt like Urashima Taro opening his casket ! - Urashima Taro is a famous Japanese fable.

The old photo shows Hiroshi and me, we worked togther for student council activity in high school.


Nori stopped by my home before going next meeting. 


Take a look at this!  All guys focus on studying in class room except I and Nori. -in our 3rd.year of junior high-


Now Hiroshi is an attorney, Nori is a professional musician playing with famed artists and also runs a madia businnes in Southern California. He gives some live performances on this visiting.




There's not enough time 'cause we have plenty to talk about the memories of our school days, so we need to meet soon again and take time to talk a lot.

Thanks anyway, I am extremely grateful to Hiroshi and Nori for taking time to see me ! Keep well until we meet again !

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