
バック・トュ-・ザ・フューチャー? Back In Time !

Let's take a brief trip to the past !You can transfer to any period with "Delorean".

ここはイリノイ州にあるVolo Auto Museum ここにあるクルマの殆どは買える。
Volo Auto Museum in North Illinois. Most cars are for sale !

57' Cadillac, Hat off to the American pressing technology which can form finely even though it's for those big bumper or huge tale fins.The price for this gorgeous convertible is $114,750

From 1950 to 1960 around, Mercedes were owned only by wealthy individual. Left one has the original maroon color paint in 1956. 1 of 89 fuel injected model. You can buy it for $269,750

As seen on TV & movies !

I take this ! It's helpful for the environment conservation, isn't it ?

あたらしいお友達もできた? ウチの奥さん、迷惑そう? 
We've got new friends? Eiko said "No Thanks !"
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スチュードベイカーって知ってますか?? Did you know "Studebaker"?

Our friend Mike Showed us around South Bend, Indiana close to The University of Notre Dame known for NCAA College Football Leagues.

and stopped by Studebaker Museum. Studebaker was one of the vanished automobile companies.

Guess younger people don't know Studebaker anymore…
When I was a little boy the name of "Studebaker" was my favorite 'cause it was really good on my ear.

↑The old mansion, built in 1800s was for Studebaker family.
Now It's utilized just for restaurant or some banquets.

Studebaker corporation was founded in 1852 and was originally producer of wagons for farmers, miners or military. Later they'd grown to be #1 wagon company in USA.
↓The carriage was for Abraham Lincoln and he took a ride with it for the trip from Chicago to D.C via South Bend. He was murdered at the Ford Theater in D.C just after the trip.

More historical Lincoln referred items were exhibited there.
I was wondering his ghost would show up in the midnight such like the movie "Night Museum".

The company turned to build the automobile in 1913 and late 40's they got a big name by their modern looking designed vehicles.
However, worsening of business performance cannot be stopped late 50's to 60's because Big Three rose up at the time. Studebaker was merged with Packard for survival in 1954. In 60's They stopped manufacturing in South Bend and continued only in Canadian plant and built the sports coupe called "Avanti". Finally "Packard" was dropped from the company's name in 1966.
1946-50年のStudebaker Champion。レトロフーチャーっぽいフロントグリルのデザインは当時のラジオなどとも似てる。
1946~50 Studebaker Champion - futuristic designed front view seems like antique radio.

In 1950 the amount of automobile production in USA has been over 7 million. Japan made only 30 thousands in a year and at the time Japanese automobile manufacturers have just started to build up the foreign cars under licensing agreement such as Nissan built "Austin" from UK. Isuzu also did "Hillman" from UK. Mitsubihshi did "Wills"from USA, stuff like that. They tried to educate local parts suppliers as well as they learned a lot of production engineering from those advanced countries.

1956年のStudebaeker Sky Hawk。横の窓の後ろ側のカーブが前に鋭角に折れたラインが特徴的で、子供のころ、面白いデザインだなあと思った記憶がある。今でもスチュードベイカーと聞くとこのデザインが脳裏に浮かぶ。
1956 Studebaker Sky Hawk - I felt pretty fresh for the forward curved line of the rear quarter window when I first saw it in some magazine in 50's.

This one looks like a prototype for some exhibition. Almost "The Jetsons" world !

Studebaker, though it's gone any more, has been still kept as important cultural asset in the museum.
It's so great that they remember it any time and it's inherited by the next generation.
We still have a lot of things to learn from USA.
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