DIARY yuutu

yuuutunna toki no nikki


2019-07-11 22:00:12 | 日記
犬が犬小屋の前、地面で寝ていた。 A dog was sleeping on the ground in front of his kennel.
狼が来て犬を食べようとした。 A wolf came and tried to eat the dog.
犬が狼に言った。「私は今、痩せてる。だが数日後、結婚式のパーティーがあって、私はたくさん食べる。私は太るだろう。お前はここに再び来て、私を食べればいい。」 The dog said to the wolf, "I am thin now. But a few days later, a wedding party will be held and I will eat very much. I will become fat. You had better come here again and eat me."
狼が一週間後、また来た。 The wolf came a week later again.
しかし犬は高い所、犬小屋の屋根の上で寝ていた。 But the dog was sleeping at a high place on the roof of his kennel.
狼は犬を捕まえられなかった。 The wolf could not reach the dog.
教訓:賢い者は危険な状況を経験後、自分を危険な目に合わせない。 Lesson: A wise person doesn’t let him/her in danger again after he/she experiences a dangerous situation.

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