DIARY yuutu

yuuutunna toki no nikki


2016-07-31 17:21:54 | 日記
 ①ワンワン説(Bow-wow theory):ヘルダーの言語起源論。初期の言葉は獣や鳥の鳴き声の模倣である。「モウ~」から"cow"(うし)、「ワオ~ン」から"wolf"(おおかみ)など。
 ②プープー説(Pooh-pooh theory):最初の言葉は、苦痛、歓喜、驚愕など感情的な叫び・発声に由来する。爆笑から"laugh"、嫌う声から"hate"など。なお“pooh”は軽蔑して「ふん!」と言うこと。
 ③ドンドン説(Ding-Dong theory):音響から自然物に関する語が出来た。「ピカッ!ゴロゴロ」から"thunder"(かみなり)、「ポタポタ」から"water"(みず)など。なお“ding-dong”は「キンコン」と言う鐘の音。
 ④エイヤコーラ説(Yo-he-ho theory、よいとまけ説):集団でのリズミカルな労働、そのかけ声などから行動に関する語が出来た。例えば働く男たちが力を合わせようとして「ho」と叫んでいたのが“heave”(持ち上げる)へ。停止を促す声から"stop"(とまる)。実際、集団行動をとる時の意味の無いはやし歌が、世界各地に残っている。なお“yo-he-ho”(“yo-heave-ho”)は、いかりなどを巻き上げる時の水夫の掛け声。えんやこら!
 ⑤タータ説(Ta-ta theory、口身振り説):1930年、パジェットの説。身体の動きと口・唇の動きの連動(身体動作に付随する無意味な発声)を言語の起源とする。“ta-ta”は「バイバイ!」の意味。
 ⑥ラララ説(sing-song theory):イェスペルセンの説。遊び、笑い、求愛など情緒的な行動に伴ったある程度長い音楽的な発声が、言語の起源である。

 It is said that Linguists are still not sure about the origin of languages. You gather several theories about this.
 (1)Bow-wow theory: Johann Gottfried von Herder says that various words are derived from copying about crys of animals, songs of birds, and so on. For example, “cow”is derived from “moo”, and “wolf” from “howl”.
 (2)Pooh-pooh theory: The first words are derived from emotional crys or voices when pain, delight, astonishment, etc are experienced. For example, “laugh” is derived from “haw-haw”, “hate” from “hush”. Cf. “pooh” is the voice showing contempt.
 (3)Ding-Dong theory: The words indicating natural things are derived from the sounds of the latter. For example, “thunder” depicts the sound itself of thunder, and “water” is derived from “pitter patter”. Cf. “ding-dong” is the sounds of a bell.
 (4) Yo-he-ho theory: Some words about behaviors are derived from rhythmical group works and various shouts of encouragement, and so on. For example, “heave”is derived from “ho”. Namely when men work together, they call out such a shout in order to make their power concentrate. “Stop” is derived from the shout to suspend the work. Really, so many songs that encourage works remain all over the world. They consist of meaningless voices. Cf. “yo-he-ho” (“yo-heave-ho”) is a shout of sailors when they heave up an anchor.
 (5)Ta-ta theory: Sir Richard Paget says in 1930 as follows. The origin of words has the close connection between the movement of a body and that of mouth and lips. Namely words are derived from voices meaninglessly called out in connection to the movement of a body. Cf. “ta-ta” means “Bye-Bye”.
 (6) Sing-song theory: J. O. H. Jespersen says as follows. The origin of words are derived from fairly long musical voices in connection to emotional behaviors such as playing, laughing, loving etc.
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2016-07-29 23:58:40 | 日記
③信頼できる人と信頼できない人がいる。③-2 敵がいる。③-3 人を蹴落として平気な者もいる。
⑤世の中の人々は協力することがある。しかし、⑤-2 弱い者をいじめることを楽しむ者がいる。⑤-3 利害が絡めば対立する。⑤-4 世の中は生存競争であり、負けたものは劣ったもので、軽蔑される。⑤-5 力のある者が、自分を正当とし、意見を強制し、異なる立場のものを攻撃する。

 When you were a child, what did you think about the world and others?
(1)You respect your father. (1)-2 You trust your mother.
(2)You accept your father’s opinions about political, economic, and social issues.
(3)You believe that all others are fundamentaly trustful.
(4)You are normal and have good will.
(5)People cooperate each other in order to live.
 Now what do you think about the world and others?
(1)You looked down on your father for some time formerly, but he passed away. Now you don’t scorn him and you think he was an ordinary person. (1)-2 Your mother experienced a difficult life in her youth, and already passed away. You think that she was independent.
(2)Now you necessarily don’t agree with your father’s view about political, economic, and social issues. However you admit that his view was consistat with his standpoint in those days.
(3)You trust some and distrust others. (3)-2 Some are your enemies. (3)-3 Some mercilessly kick others down in order to win.
(4)You can conduct vicious things selfishly from your position when you are ordered to do so.
(5) People cooperate each other in some cases. However they don’t in some cases.(5)-2 Some of them enjoy teasing and attacking the weak. (5)-3 They battle each other from conflicts of their interests. (5)-4 The struggle for survival is very keen in this world. Some scorn the weak those are defeated. (5)-5 The strong people are severely selfish. Therefore they justify themselves, force others to accept their views, and attack the opponent.
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2016-07-28 19:08:43 | 日記

(1)You act as if you were not disturbed. You intend to hide what you think or feel. You always pretend to be innocent. Be careful!
(2)You are discouraged. You dislike to talk with others. You cannot trust anyone.
(3)Why have you been living meaninglessly? Long ago at first you had ideal aimes to be realized. However you forget them now that you are old enough.
(4)You have only 13 years to remain living when you calculate how long you can live from now on in terms of the average life span.
(5) What is done cannot be undone. You are perplexed. You often regret many past things nowadays.
(6)You can narrowly make your livelihood independently. Therfore you don’t complain.
(7)You remark similar pessimistic views again and again. You are tired. You feel empty.
(8)You can’t have good conversations with others. The reason is perhaps that you don’t hear sincerly what they talk. Hear others!
(9)Now it’s silent night.
(10)You hope to be calm and quiet. Namely you hope that anything unexpected or unusual doesn’t happen.
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2016-07-27 20:13:50 | 日記
 (5)食品添加物: 広範囲に大量に使われている。例えば、保存料、発色剤、人工着色料、化学調味料、合成香料。
 It is said that allergies, in particular atopy, have become a very common serious problem in Japan over the last 10 to 20 years and that doctors cannot define their causes, which can be a mixture of air pollution, house dust, food, etc. In old days, there were few allergies. For example, someone said, “My eyes itch when I eat eggs.” You heard only such a kind of remark. You try to examine the differences between old and these days in regard to allergies.
 (1)Air pollution: In old days, air was clean. However now particularly, exaust gas from automobiles and smokes from factories have increased enormously though pollution controls have been advanced.
 (2)New chemicals: Industries have developed. Therefore new toxic chemicals have severely increased and accumulated. They are left everywhere still now such as soil contamination, water pollution, and so on. In addition, new chemicals are used in various things, for example, neutral detergent, antibacterial agent, etc.
 (3)Airtightness of houses: Old houses in Japan were mostly made of wood. Then they were drafty. However nowadays houses are airtight and air conditioners are used. As a result, (a) your skin and mucosa have become weak because they are not strengthened by large change of air temperature in drafty rooms. It becomes more likely that you suffer from allergies. (b)Bad ventilation increases allergens such as dust, ticks, and chemicals.
 (4) Western food: Japanese have come to eat more Western food that includes much animal fat and animal protain. The latter cause easily allergic disease.
 (5)Food additives: These are used largely and severely such as food preservatives, color formers, artificial colorants, chemical seasonings, synthetic perfumes.
 Now you realized that the daily lives of old and these days are not equal. It is natural and inevitable that allergies have become a very common serious problem in these days in Japan.

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2016-07-26 22:51:31 | 日記

 “What was Japan like in the year 1000?” Someone asks you such a question. You answer for example as follows. It was in the middle of Heian period. Dynastic style literature were written by women. Some like Sei Shonagon’s “Makura no Soshi”. By the way, it is marvelous that you can sympathise one of humans who lived 1000 years ago. “Dawn in spring fascinates you. Gradually the under part of mountens becomes white and slightly bright. Violetlike clouds trail slenderly.” Spring is attractive as regards its light and colours. You can share common feeling with her.
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