DIARY yuutu

yuuutunna toki no nikki

OBSCURED etc. (September 16-22, 2012)

2012-09-30 20:31:22 | 日記
It’s early in the morning. The sun hasn’t risen yet. It’s raining outside. The breeze is cool. You hear slight sounds and noises. This means that various activities of the day begin. You have had slept enough for six hours. But you don’t feel healthy. My consciousness is obscured. (Sunday, September 19, 2012)

You often eat slightly fried cabbage. It makes your bowel move smoothly. In addition, they say that cabbage is generally good for your health. Green caterpillars like to eat it. I think they are perhaps healthy. (Monday, September 19, 2012)

I am here. If I vanish, what happens? The answer is only my anticipation or expectation of mine. The answer is that even though I vanish, others still exist and live in this world. But on second thoughts, this remark about others and the world is also only my anticipation or expectation. (Tuesday, September 19, 2012)

You need to prepare for your death. You have become old. You are in your sixties. You are in anxiety about your death. But you can’t feel your death because you lose your consciousness when you die. What you can do is only to prepare in order that your family don’t become annoyed and confused by your death. In this sense, the point is not sentimental but practical. (Wednesday, September 19, 2012)

The real and objective world is there. What does this mean? You only have what you know, feel, sense, remember, anticipate, imagine, fantasize, and so on. This occurrence is called your consciousness or subjective world. The real and objective world emerges itself or appears in the latter. (Thursday, September 20, 2012)

You have your intentions or goals. Most of these are not completed. But you try to do every day. You do continually as long as you live. After all, your life means your intentions or goals themselves. Your death comes abruptly. It comes in a sudden and unexpected way. If you don’t give up them, you never die. (Friday, September 21, 2012)

You don’t fear to die because death is not so different from life. When you live, most things you try to complete are halfway except ones that you do thoroughly. When you die, they are also halfway. In this respect, death is similar to life and vice versa. (Saturday, September 22, 2012)
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STABLE etc. (September 9-15, 2012)

2012-09-22 18:12:23 | 日記
You are busy. Precisely, you feel busy at all times. You don’t feel stable subjectively. But it is important that you pretend to be stable and confident. Even if you are upset, you never show the upset of yours to other people. You have to be careful. (Sunday, September 9, 2012)

You get angry with him. He seems to have malice toward you. He neglects you. He looks down on you. He never smiles to you. You are irritated about him. Moreover, your wife is arrogant and selfish. You can’t accept such an attitude of hers. You get angry with her too. Consequently, you want to live alone. It is important for you to have much money. You need no other people. You hate them. (Monday, September 10, 2012)

You are unpleasant. You remember again that the man is arrogant. Moreover, you dislike yourself. Your life is monotonous. Only similar things happen every day. You are bored. You like to live in an amusement park. Now you are depressed. You lose your reasonableness. Your feeling is the worst. (Tuesday, September 11, 2012)

A fish swims. I want to become a fish. I want to live in the ocean or the sea freely. But on second thought, it lives in danger. It needs to be careful in order not be eaten by enemies. This fact makes me disappointed. I am a human and painful to live every day. But even a fish also dose so. (Wednesday, September 12, 2012)

I attend my uncle-in-law’s funeral. He died of cancer. I meet my relatives there. I haven’t seen most of them for many years. They have become old. So have I. Some day, my turn of passing away will come. (Thursday, September 13, 2012)

What is the objective world? Is my body apart from it? Can my body be removed from it? How does the objective world exist? Does it exist independently from my body? In addition, does it exist independently from my subjective world?
What does the word “objective” mean?
(1) The objective world resists physically. The word “objective” means “physical”. The opposite is “mental” or “subjective”. The “objective” world is independent from the “mental” world of mine and other’s. But is the former really independent from the latter?
(2) The “physical” world consists from two parts. The one is my body, and the other is the whole rest of its except my body. The “objective” world means the “physical” world except my body. (Friday, September 14, 2012)

The night comes. It’s dark outside. The temperature is comfortable for me. I hear chirps of insects. It’s autumn. It’s cool. Summer is over. I am relaxed. I have had enough sleep. Sound sleep makes me happy. In addition, delicious food also makes me happy. (Saturday, September 15, 2012)
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AUTUMN etc. (September 2-8, 2012)

2012-09-19 10:22:36 | 日記
You are happy. You are healthy. You have some money. You can eat various foods tasting good. You have your family. You have your own house. You thank Gods and Goddess for your happiness and peace. The weather is fine today. The temperature is comfortable. It’s a good day in autumn. (Sunday, September 2, 2012)

She looks happy. You are relieved. She smiles to you. She looks kind. Her happiness also makes you happy. Everything looks in peace. You hope that this situation continues ever from now on. (Monday, September 3, 2012)

You are often in anxiety. The future makes you irritated because you are afraid that something bad will happen. The present situation of yours is not so bad. You are conservative and not ambitious. (Tuesday, September 4, 2012)

You are happy. A person is kind to you. Smile makes you happy. Other’s misunderstanding or malice makes you irritated. Usually, you dislike humans. You like animals or machines. You want to live in peace. But you have to fight against other humans when you manage to live in this world. (Wednesday, September 5, 2012)

They say that you are not clever. Regrettably, you accept their remark. You are not careful. You are not good at protecting yourself against enemies. They mock you. They look down on you. You have to be cheered up intentionally. (Thursday, September 6, 2012)

You are happy when you experience good things. Such a time, you become optimistic. The world smiles toward you. The stars in the sky twinkle merrily. The moon shines tenderly. You feel pleasant. You feel to live in a wonderful dream. You also feel that you are lucky as you are born in this beautiful world. (Friday, September 7, 2012)

You love her. She is pretty. She is kind. She is wise. She is careful and smart. She is one of the best woman in the world. You are also sure that she loves you. This makes you happy. She and you love each other. (Saturday, September 8, 2012)
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