DIARY yuutu

yuuutunna toki no nikki

SUBSTITUTE etc. (February 20-26, 2011)

2011-02-27 19:38:19 | 日記
I am irritated. I want to break something, for example, some china plates. I want to make my mental stress eased and dissolved. But I don’t do such a thing. The reason is that the plates cost much money and that they are dangerous when they are broken and scattered all around. So I see a movie that shows much violence in its story. The fictional violence is a substitute for real one. As a result, my mental stress can be eased. (Sunday, February 20, 2011)

In order to earn money, I work hard. As a result, I am exhausted and possibly become ill. In addition, I am eager to have much money. The eagerness is strong. To earn money looks like a disease. (Monday, February 21, 2011)

It is said that a man has seven enemies outside his house. This proverb in Japan is right. I have to fight against much malice and interests of others in order to obtain my goal. (Tuesday, February 22, 2011)

Many people protest to tyranny in Libya. A large quantity of crude oil is produced there. Its production will be decreased. As a result, world economy will become worse. Stock prices went down today in Japan and U.S. I am worried about this economical bad situation. (Wednesday, February 23, 2011)

My head is flooded by many tasks and duties. My brain cells are panicked and swirled. I become sick. I feel vomiting. (Thursday, February 24, 2011)

What is the most important thing in my life? It is that I and someone trust each other. (Thursday, February 24, 2011)

My life looks like a continuing fight. I have to be careful. Of course, you can take a rest when the situation is peaceful for a short time. (Friday, February 25, 2011)

I fear to be isolated. When I die, anyone will not possibly come to my funeral. This image makes me anxious. Only my wife will attend it. This notion eases me. When she dies, I will surely cry. (Saturday, February 26, 2011)
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SMILE etc. (February 13-19, 2011)

2011-02-21 22:03:59 | 日記
I visited the nursing home today where my mother in her 80’s lives. I viewed photographs projected on a screen there. They showed everyday lives of old people living there. Most people smiled. It made me happy. . (Sunday, February 13, 2011)

I take a two-day trip to Nikko with my wife. Today, it is the first day of the trip. We see many extravagantly decorated buildings at Toshogu-Shrine. They are colorful, painted green, red, yellow, blue, and golden. There are also many kinds of relief, fretwork, and sculpture. I like such colorful, especially golden, gorgeous things. (Monday, February 14, 2011)

It snowed about 10 centimeters high last night. This morning, there was much snow outside all around. It was strange that the high in height and thin in width snow pile on the narrow top of the wall didn’t fall to the ground. (Tuesday, February 15, 2011)

I am afraid that my son will become ill. He works hard from 9 o’clock in the morning to 10 o’clock at night every day. He usually comes back home about 12 o’clock midnight. He often says, “I am tired.” He works too much. (Wednesday, February 16, 2011)

It needs special technique to cook fish. The reason is that cooked fish smells if you are not good at cooking it. My wife failed to cook fish skillfully at dinner this evening. But I courteously said nothing to her. (Thursday, February 17, 2011)

It was raining this morning. I went to the town office located 4 kilometers away from my house by car. I performed the procedure of final income tax return there. Its result was that income tax didn’t return to me but instead I had to pay 20 thousands yen to the tax office. I was disappointed. (Friday, February 18, 2011)

I mounted many pictures on an album all day today. I had taken them at a two-day trip to Nikko about a week ago. They amounted to more than one hundred and sixty. It was too many. (Saturday, February 19, 2011)
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ALTERNATELY etc. (February 6-12, 2011)

2011-02-13 19:18:53 | 日記
I am happy when I eat my favorite food. After that, I am full. Sometimes, I become so full that I feel bad. I am unhappy. Each of them, happiness and unhappiness, comes one after another alternately. It is like the situation of my life. (Sunday, February 6, 2011)

I encountered a riddle this morning. It was as follows. “There are pieces of noodles scattered on the road. A road is not a table. It looks strange.” I could answer to the riddle immediately because there were several bags full of garbage nearby and in addition, they were broken. The answer was as follows. “Crows broke the bags and scattered noodles that were in them.” (Monday, February 7, 2011)

I feel extremely bad. I am dull. I have headache. My future looks gloomy. I have sore eyes. My muscles are in pain. My body makes me unhappy. I hate my body. I want to break it into pieces. I want to become only a heart having no body. I want to become something like a mist. I remember the book that says a vampire can metamorphose itself into a mist. (Tuesday, February 8, 2011)

I am irritated. I want to eat something delicious. But it has two faults. First, to eat much makes me fat. I hate fatness. Second, to eat something brings the fact that something to be eaten are absolutely vanished away. I don’t want to see something valuable vanish away. These two thoughts make me irritated. (Tuesday, February 8, 2011)

I want to become a cock. The reason is that I want to keep my bowels open. A cock eats so many vegetables that it makes its bowels open. Vegetables are efficient to bowel movement. But I am a human being. I can’t become a cock. So I eat vegetables as many as possible. Especially I eat many cabbages. (Wednesday, February 9, 2011)

I read a book. It surprised me because it informed me the fact as follows. The agriculture in Japan is not so weak though the ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries always says it is extremely weak.
The book says (1) the Japan’s agricultural products increases from 47 million tons in 1960 to 50 million tons in2005, and (2) the farmers decrease from 12 millions to 2 millions. This two facts reach to the conclusion that agricultural productivity increased about 6 times as much as before. (Thursday, February 10, 2011)

A TV program says there are many lonely persons in Japanese society. This is called no-relation society, that is, MUEN society in Japanese. They are mainly unemployed. It makes them discouraged. Even if they try to get jobs, they can’t again and again. The government has to pay unemployment benefit to them. In addition, it has to provide public assistance if necessary. When they get jobs, they become encouraged and hopeful. (Friday, February 11, 2011)

It is important for me to take a seat in a commuter train in the morning. In the crowded train, I stand in front of a person who seems to be getting off the train halfway. I hope to take a seat instead of him or her. When I succeed, I am happy. But when I fail, I am unhappy. (Saturday, February 12, 2011)
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BUSY etc. (January 30-February 5, 2011)

2011-02-06 19:41:38 | 日記
I didn’t go on a trip to Kamakura today because I was too exhausted. I am always busy working these days. At home I have to do my some tasks which I have brought home because I can't accomplish them at workplace. Today, I accomplished them at home. (Sunday, January 30, 2011)

My mother, already 87 years old, lives in nursing home. I visited her on my way home this evening. She was so fine that I was relieved. (Monday, January 31, 2011)

I didn’t go to work today because I had retired on March this year. I had got new job after that. But I work for only four days a week. So I didn’t need to work today. I was sad. (Tuesday, February 1, 2011)

I began to enjoy Jazz recently. I mostly heard Rocks and J-pops until now. So I try now to hear a different kind of music. Jazz has the atmosphere of matured adults. I borrowed more than thirty albums of Jazz at CD rental stores for these some months. I heard all of them intensively. (Wednesday, February 2, 2011)

I drew pictures of dogs on my document papers. There were four papers about one theme. I drew a small picture of one dog on the corner of the first paper, two on the second, three on the third, and four on the forth. It was funny. It made me happy. (Thursday, February 3, 2011)

It is the day before the beginning of spring today. At night, I throw beans outside at a house front door. The reason is that beans have magical power and that they prevent evil monsters called ONI from entering the house. This evening on my way home, I bought a small bag of beans. I was pleased that it was sold 30% off. The store hoped that beans would be sold out rapidly because they were used only at that night. (Thursday, February 3, 2011)

The woman spoke ill of me. I heard it. I was shocked. But I said no words to express that I hated her. Because words generally have magical power to realize the same situation as they express. Saying no words, I prevented the battle between her and me. (Friday, February 4, 2011)

I don’t like my physical body. I have a heart and a body. I consist of both of them. But I hate my body. I want to be only a heart. I am divided into two parts. My heart and my body often don’t cooperate. They fight each other sometimes. For example, I can’t fly because I have my body. My heart can make me fly to any place because I can imagine and go anywhere by imagination. To imagine something is ability of my heart. (Saturday, February 5, 2011)
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MOTTOS etc. (January 23-29, 2011)

2011-02-02 23:12:48 | 日記
I have two mottos. The first is “Everything is on the way. ” A life continues till death comes. There is no death in my life because death is not a life. My life always goes on as long as it exists. So everything is on the way in my life. The second motto of mine is “Go ahead! ” I am often afraid that I will die someday. And I am often irritated when I can’t decide which way I should choose in some situation. So I say to myself anyway “Go ahead.” That is to say, I should do better things even if I can’t decide what is the best thing. (Sunday, January 23, 2011)

My son goes fishing at the Yamanaka-Lake today. He wants to get many fishes. Their name is smelt, that is, wakasagi in Japanese. They usually live under the ice of the lake in winter. But now there is no ice there as it is warm these days. He gets them by fishing on a boat. (Sunday, January 23, 2011)

I was afraid that I lost my important keys. I used them yesterday, but I couldn’t find them this morning. I searched them, but in vain. All day long I was irritated. In the evening, though I was discouraged, I decided to search them once again. After all I found them in my car. I was relieved. (Monday, January 24, 2011)

I was discouraged in the early morning. My feeling was extremely gloomy. I felt that I couldn’t trust anybody. Everyone seemed to have malice toward me. I sometimes fall in such a bad feeling. (Tuesday, January 25, 2011)

I am afraid the authorities will take much money from me as taxes. Next month I have to report to them the amount of my income gained in 2010. They will calculate the amount of my taxes from my income. (Wednesday, January 26, 2011)

An important document was lost at my workplace yesterday. All my coworkers searched it all around, but in vain. Most of us gave up and went home. After about one hour, it was found out. This fact was informed to us this morning. We were relieved. (Thursday, January 27, 2011)

I met and talked with my old friend today. We made friends when we were high school students. It was more than forty years ago. He looked to have the same character as he was in his teens. The long time that has passed doesn’t make him a different person. (Friday, January 28, 2011)

I saw a movie today. It showed nihilism of a young woman. The story was impressive. I was severely shocked. (Saturday, January 29, 2011)


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