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「漂い紀行 振り返り版」…私の過去の踏査ノートから… 言い伝えに秘められた歴史を訪ねて

University of Tokyo Hongo campus

2011-09-13 00:00:31 | STRUCTURE-構造物残影-

(Medical department main building  SRC 1937)

(The science department No. 2 hall  SRC 1934) 

(The medical department No. 1 hall  SRC 1931)

(General library SRC 1928)

(The text of the law No. 2 hall  SRC  1938)

(The text of the law No. 1 hall SRC 1935)

(Grand hall  RC 1925)

Faculty of technology new No. 3 hall institution maintenance enterprise

(関連記事:旧加賀藩前田家上屋敷御守殿門 弥生二丁目遺跡

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