


2008-01-24 08:58:25 | Telegraph (UK)

ECB urged to cut to head off European crisis
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor, in Davos
Triumphant bears have swept all before them at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland this year, growling down plaintive squeaks of optimism from the odd dazed bull.


The gathering kicked off with last rites for the theory of decoupling, that comforting belief that the global economy could sail briskly on even as the US was engulfed by the subprime whirlpool.


The nastier reality now appears to be that Europe and Asia face their own hard-landings as synchronized bubbles burst across the globe in property, commodities, and over-heated stock markets, all victims of US-led credit implosion.


"Monday was the crucial day when people around the world realized that decoupling was not going to happen," said Nouriel Roubini, a professor at New York University and the star forecaster who predicted the subprime crisis in 2007.

とニューヨーク大学の教授で、2007年にサブプライム・クライシスを予言した予想屋のNouriel Roubiniが言った。

That was the day that Germany's DAX fell 8pc, France's CAC fell 7pc, emerging market stocks went in melt-down, and Japan's Nikkei suffered the worst two-day drop in 17 years.


He accused the European Central Bank of making a serious policy error by waiting too long to cut interest rates even though disruptions to the credit system in the eurozone had been just as bad as in America, if not worse.


"At least the Fed is cutting rates. The ECB has underestimated the threat to growth and is behind the curve. There is the risk outright recession in Europe.


There are significant housing bubbles, particularly in the UK, Spain and Ireland but also in Italy and Portugal."


Jean Claude-Trichet, the ECB's president, today appeared in no mood to change tack or to follow the dramatic three quarter point cut in rates by the Federal Reserve on Wednesday.


He insisted that the ECB must remain "credible in guaranteeing price stability", an implicit criticism of US actions.


"Particularly in demanding times of significant market correction and turbulences, it is the responsibility of the central bank to solidly anchor inflation expectations to avoid additional volatility," he said.


Rising oil and food costs have pushed euro-zone inflation to 3.1pc, the highest level since the creation of the single currency. The question is whether this is merely a lagging effect of the commodity spike, soon to subside.


The currency markets have issued their own verdict. The euro has failed to gain traction against the dollar since the Fed's emergency action and has begun to slip back, despite the growing gulf between US and eurozone interest rates.


It is a sure sign that investors now expect that the ECB will be forced to slash rates soon.


Hungary's premier, Ferenc Gyurcsany, said Europe seemed to be sleep-walking into trouble. "Most European analysts have been very optimistic about the effects of the US problem. They're only answer is to sit and wait. This is not a well-founded approach," he said.


Stephen Roach, chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia and long-time bear, said the decoupling theory is being exposed as "fantasy" as contagion spreads across Europe, China, and Japan. "Europe is not going to get some special dispensation from a global slowdown," he said.


"I am bullish on Asia but let's not get ahead of ourselves. The US is a $9.5 trillion consumption economy: China is $1 trillion, and India is $650bn. They are not yet at the stage where they can fill the void left by an over-endebted US," he said.


Mr Roach said US consumption reached 72pc of GDP in 2007. "No country in the history of the world has ever consumed that much of its GDP.


We've played the housing bubble, using homes as ATM machines," he said.


A return to normal levels of savings would amount an economic shock equal to 5pc of GDP.


He warned that the US could face "the mother of all recessions" if the (needed) adjustment happened fast.


Yu Yongding, director of China's Institute of World Economics, said his country would not be able to shrug off the effects of the US crunch.

中国世界経済研究所のYu Yongding代表は、祖国はアメリカのクランチの影響を振り切れないだろう、と言った。

"This will have a serious impact on the Chinese economy. We're very dependent on external demand, which makes up 8.6pc of GDP, and some say even 10pc. We're worried because we need to create 24m jobs each year and we created just 10m last year," he said.


Mr Yu warned that the fall-out from a collapse of the Shanghai equity boom could stir up political unrest. "There's an equity bubble. I don't think there are consequences for the banking system because people are using their own money to buy shares. But there are 150m of them. This is serious," he said.


Mr Roubini said Eastern Europe faces the biggest risk of a dramatic upset. "All the way from the Baltics down to Turkey there are countries with large current account deficits. People have been borrowing in foreign currencies, the euro or the Swiss franc, to buy houses, so the situation could be like Argentina or Mexico where homeowners went belly-up. There is a severe risk of a crunch leading to a financial crisis," he said.


Fred Bergsten, from Washington's Peterson Institute, is sticking resolutely to his decoupling thesis. "I'll go further. This is going to be the first episode of reverse coupling. The rest of the world is going to prop up the US," he said.




