


2008-01-23 12:14:57 | Telegraph (UK)
US Fed makes biggest rate cut since 1984
By Tom Stevenson
America's Federal Reserve unexpectedly slashed interest rates with the biggest cut in more than 23 years in a spectacular bid to fend off recession and put a floor under tumbling stock markets.


An unscheduled 0.75 percentage point reduction in the Fed's target rate to 3.5pc is the first "emergency" rate cut since the terrorist attacks of September 2001 and the biggest single cut since October 1984.


The move by Fed chairman Ben Bernanke threw a lifeline to investors who have suffered a traumatic start to the year as fears of a US recession savaged stock markets worldwide. US shares quickly stepped back from the abyss, after opening more than 400 points lower as US investors caught up with a plunge in global stock markets on Monday.


By lunchtime in New York, shares had recouped almost all their early losses as traders swooped on bargains among the bombed-out financial stocks which have borne the brunt of the six month-long credit crunch.


Although the Fed did not cite Monday's share slump, the timing of its announcement shortly before US markets reopened after a three-day weekend was designed for maximum impact.In a day of dramatic swings, the FTSE 100 index soared by as much as 185.8 points before closing 161.9 points higher.


The blue-chip index had earlier fallen by as much as 239.5 points as traders picked up on a second day of dramatic falls in Asian markets.


Japan's Nikkei index, which has crashed by more than 30pc in six months on fears of a US recession, fell another 5.7pc to its lowest level since September 2005. Hong Kong's Hang Seng index slumped by nearly 9pc and the Sensex index in Mumbai by almost 5pc.


"The committee took this action in view of a weakening of the economic outlook and increasing downside risks to growth," the Fed said. It said "incoming information indicates a deepening of the housing contraction as well as some softening in labour markets".


Futures markets took the comments to mean another rate cut is likely at next week's scheduled meeting. They put a 78pc chance of rates falling by 50 basis points to 3pc. The dollar hit an intraday low against the euro of $1.4597.


Since September, US rates have been cut from 5.25pc as the Fed moved to re-energise the world's biggest economy, hit by falling house prices and the credit crunch. Last week the government announced a $150bn (£77bn) package of tax cuts but investors judged the promised moves too little too late.


"The economic data will worsen; this move is not an instant fix," said Ian Shepherdson, chief US economist at High Frequency Economics. "The economy is still staring recession in the face, but at least the Fed now gets it." Hank Paulson, US Treasury secretary, welcomed the move.


"I think it's very constructive and shows to this country and to the world that our central bank is nimble."


However, Ted Scott, manager of F&C's UK growth and income fund, said: "In the short term [the cut] may provide a fillip to equities and a relief to borrowers. But the move also smacks of panic."


The decision, taken during an emergency telephone conference on Monday night, was not unanimous.


William Poole, president of the St Louis Fed, said there was no justification for acting before next week's scheduled meeting.



