one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


ハチドリ les grains nommé le nom d'oiseau

2015-12-30 21:39:24 | Foods(食)
Ces grains de café sont nommés "Hachidori,oiseau mouche".
Je les aime beaucoup. Il y avais un café à Asagaya où je passais beauoup de temps heureux. Le café a férmé cet automne. Je dois faire du café moi-même. S'il en est ainsi, j'ai besoin de les grains dont on avait usé là. Aujourd'hui Je vais à Tachikawa et ai trouvé ces grains de bonheur...haha.

These coffee beans is named "Hachidori,hummingbird" in Japan. I love it. There was a coffee shop in Asagaya. I spent happy thousand hours there. How many cups did I have? The shop was closed this autumn and I miss it. Thus, I must make it by myself. And I must get those beans. So I went to Tachikawa today.
And I found these green notebooks to get all of them in that shop as swiftly as the cold fast wind in the night.
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Unknown (iwamoto)
2015-12-31 08:32:35
コーヒー豆ですよね。 ハチドリというのですか。

A Happy New Year! (Cakeater)
2016-01-02 23:50:06
The good coffee is beautiful after getting cold.
This one is one of those good ones.
Everyday I make it and have a wonderful time.

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