one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


あるだけ買った J'en achète tout.

2015-12-30 20:38:32 | Aujoud'hui(日録)
La fin d'année est la saison de carnet. Comme les autres, il me faut préparer un nouveau carnet pour la nouvelle année.
Aujourd'hui j'ai allé à Tachikawa pour acheter les grains de café et ai trouvé ces cahiers. Je m'en sers d'apprendre les langues étrangères.

December is the month of notebook. People starts their new year with a new notebook.
Today, I went to Tachikawa to get my favorite coffee beans. I had enjoyed the taste of coffee at a coffee shop in Asagaya. The shop closed this autumn in my regret. But I can get the same beans as it has been used at that shop. So I must go to the beans shop in the Tachikawa station.
And there found five "Sketch Book" which I use for learning foreign languages. I got all of those in the shop. haha. Very lucky day.
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