one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


あ、なんか撮ってる femme et l'oiseau

2010-10-04 21:26:17 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Without her, I couldn't have found the bird.

(井の頭公園、井の頭四丁目、Inogashira, Mitaka city)
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すてきな被写体 héron

2010-10-04 21:20:04 | birds, fish and others(生物)

The woman stranger takes pictures of this heron.
When she does, this bird doesn't move. When I start to do, this one jumps from branch to branch, and at last it hides in the thick foliage. Bad guy!

(井の頭公園、井の頭四丁目、Inogashira, Mitaka city)
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枝の上のオシドリ un canard mandarin

2010-10-04 21:18:38 | birds, fish and others(生物)

After the hiding heron, I find a beautiful bird on the other branch.

(井の頭公園、井の頭四丁目、Inogashira, Mitaka city)
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オシドリ一家 des canards mandarins

2010-10-04 21:16:32 | birds, fish and others(生物)

And I find a family of mandarin ducks. I don't want to disturb them, so I leave soon after the three shots.

(井の頭公園、井の頭四丁目、Inogashira, Mitaka city)
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黒猫と根っ子の枕 l'oreiller de la racine

2010-10-04 21:15:36 | cats(猫)

The black cat bores the beautiful view of the pond. He and his friends take naps at each favorite place. He loves the pillow of the root of the tree.

(井の頭公園、井の頭四丁目、Inogashira, Mitaka city)
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あいなめ煮付け poisson cuit

2010-10-04 21:14:34 | Foods(食)

This boiled fish is a rock trout. This dish is very rare one at the lunch time.
This one smells a sea water and weeds a little, but the taste is good. It makes me remind the waves and rocks of the Philippine Ocean.

((酔芙蓉、品川区西品川一丁目、Nishishinagawa, Shinagawa ward)
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オコゼで小物 la nageoire dorsale

2010-10-04 21:13:05 | nocategory(雑)

The cock proprietor of the restaurant Suifuyo thinks the dorsal fin of the stingfish has a good and beautiful shape. He tries to make a small counter-top decoration. It's not so bad, I think.

(酔芙蓉、品川区西品川一丁目、Nishishinagawa, Shinagawa ward)
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ルビー Rubis

2010-10-04 21:12:10 | cake(ケーキ)

The name of this cake is Rubis (ruby). The varieties of berry on the top of it.
Like the cakes of these days , this one is not so sweet, but tastes good. I like it.

(@阿佐ヶ谷駅下、Asagaya Station, Suginami ward)
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鉄犬 chien de fer

2010-10-04 21:10:40 | dog(犬)

On the railroad bridge, a man takes care of his dog which is about to jump down the running train. This dog loves to watch the train running away. When a train comes, it only watches the train passing beyond it. When the train passes and runs away, it barks loudly and tries to jump at it. The owner must use his full power to stop his small dog's jumping out.

(中仙道と埼京線、板橋、Itabashi, Itabashi ward)
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