one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


自信のドライカレー Operation 99-60

2010-01-17 13:10:49 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

I am very proud of the delicious taste of this dry curry dish.
The vegetables are celery, onion and carrot.
The salt is Bolivian pink rock salt.
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CX2 mon nouveau appareil

2010-01-17 13:09:37 | nocategory(雑)

I get it at the Yodobashi Camera Akihabara.
The liquid crystal display is very excellent. The image with it is better than the real photo which this camera can take, I think.
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GX200の液晶に傷 défaut de LCD dirigent

2010-01-17 13:07:39 | nocategory(雑)

On this Friday at the site, I stumble down to the hard concrete ground badly owing to the shallow dug trench. My left little finger and index finger are bruised with a little blood and no broken bone.
But I am shocked the best to find the oval shaped damage on the liquid crystal of my GX200 in my right side pocket of my jacket. Soon after the test of the all function of the camera, I find the damages happened only at the display and probably no hazard to take photography.

This GX200 is in the DiCAPac WP-510 which is used for using the camera in the water and which I get it with the vonus discount point of Yodobashi Camera.
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動く液晶傷 défaut mouvant

2010-01-17 13:06:24 | nocategory(雑)

On the Sunday morning I find the damages in the liquid crystal have moved.
Isn't it interesting?
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ベランダへの足場樹 arbre pour le balcon

2010-01-17 13:01:50 | cats(猫)

When I and Uematsu, my co-worker, take a lunch, this tiger cat climbs up the tree. I say hallow to it. It looks us back for a while and jumps up to the balcony for sun bathing.

(中馬込三丁目、Nakamagome, Oota ward)
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神田川に聖橋 la Kanda et le pont Hijiri

2010-01-17 13:00:52 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I don't use the right side of the Kanda river from Akihabara to Ochanomizu station. The view of right side of the Kanda river is better than the left side route, but the right route is longer than the left. Tonight it is warmer than usual enough to make me walk along the right bank and to enjoy the river and lit up bridge view.

(御茶ノ水橋、神田駿河台二丁目、Kandasurugadai, Chiyoda ward)
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聖橋夕景 Sous le pont Hijiri

2010-01-17 12:59:53 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I light upon the lit up the Hijiri (= wise man of the Confucianism) bridge.
With taking this photo I start to sing;
Sous le pon Hijiri coule la Kanda et nos amours....
And stop singing. Because I am not loving anybody now...
Then I dare restart singing;
faut il qu'il m'en souvienne
La joie venait toujour après la peine
Vienne la nuit, sonne l'herure
Les jours s'en vont et je demeure.

(湯島一丁目、Yushima, Bunkyo ward)
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丸の内線 le métro

2010-01-17 12:58:57 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The Marunouchi metro line crosses over the Kanda river and under the railroad.
It appears in a few seconds and goes away.

(湯島一丁目、Yushima, Bunkyo ward)
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暮の買い物 l'achat du decembre 31

2010-01-17 12:57:32 | nocategory(雑)

I get them at Akihabara.
I won't use this toilet paper but on urgency.
The price of this SD card is only four hundred ninety nine yen. I can't make up my mind of using for photography.
The egg shape and size mouse is very comfortable and charming.
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秋葉原の雨 Il pleut à Akibahara

2010-01-17 12:56:44 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Why did the owner of the bicycle leave it here in the cold rain?
Where is he?

(外神田一丁目、Sotokanda, Chiyoda ward)
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