

importance or value

2012-08-09 15:20:39 | english
He have to decide what to do next.
Sooner or later he will be return to Japan till comming spring at next year.
Look carefully his or her behind, the form is a visual image one's life.

i saw a figure in the dark.
A form appeared in the darkness.
He is in excelelent shape for his age.

His idea is shaping up well.
He will be full of his importance.
To get the job is important for him.

He has the value of educational.
The new life will be brilliant.
I feel the importance of salt.

Seven gathered, including

2012-08-08 11:39:03 | english
Sevrn gathered, including Japanese teacheres, at PARUCO URAWA. We met a one in teaching at Cintao University.

Thay came to Saitama during summer vacation on their work.
One had been stay in Darian, one in the darian neusoft edu, and third get new work at Cintao.
their return-to-order was different.

He get job on web. The joint venture look seek workers on web.
First he was working on Darien university by Japanese teacher for two years.
And then he returned as soon as the Dairien university fired him from the job.

If once you break the over sea working, a new job must be treatat first.

The Dalian is Ryaoton Peninsula.
The Cintao is Shanton Peninsula.

He said to fly to Cintao via Inchon airport, Korea. Inchon is JINSEN.
Ofcorse there is non-stop flight fron Tokyo to Chintao, but that is very expensive.

He said his pay is 4000 RMB yuan.

English sentences about

2012-07-08 16:27:45 | english
でhomework (assignment or paper)として その日の感想をenglish sentencees で2文かいてとなった。

I think  はだめ
日本人は ~と思います。というが、思いますは???
宜しくお願いします。 えっ???


Australian Thai Laotian

2012-06-21 23:42:12 | english
May I ask your name?
Where you from?
Grandfather came from thailandt to Sydny.
From Laos

Asian members can tastet the flaver ofJpanese tea.
But the lady from Sydny can't taste it. She is week on Japanese tea.
S0, she orderd a glass of apple juice and apple cake.

All member came to Japan on Saturday and back on next Saturday.
First time to Japan thay stayed at Hotel on Ueno, next day they move to Saitama.

And the day after tomorrow thay return to Australia.
Very short! Only one week?
Only one week.
Then What your purpose?
Introduce Japanese culture.

One of them buy the green tea.
The orner teach him making tea.
I said to orner that they are studng Japanese culture. 
The orner move to very friendly.
He is kind enough to teach.
He gave a lecture to his students on manner of green te;
besides it's powdered green tea.

He like them, and moreover, he believe in them.
His work is now in full swing with a proud traditions.
The orner's behavior is a major lure for visitors.
he is more than a match for us to present Japanese culture.

Japanese English

2012-05-20 00:23:48 | english
The word "Camera circle" is Japanese English.
Photo circle is usually useing . This is three dollers.

Picture circle is used to this class. This is one dollar.
I wonder that might be draw, paint, print and movie.

But you should not despise a man because he or she useed Japanese English.

Was the cat house hold?

2012-05-19 23:45:00 | english
Was the cat house hold?
I don't know if the cat is house hold or not.

Did you see the restaurant owner feed the cat?
I didn't see, but it seemed like house hold.
There is no way that the cat stray cat.

The owner will likely feed the cat with frequency.
Since she fed a stray cat, he has stayed on at that house.

Insofar as I can tell the cat would be house hold.
May be, these cats have territory.

Three cats-Yarujyan

2012-05-19 06:10:44 | english
Yesterday I went "Sankeien" in Yokohama, with my friends of photo circle.
We gathered at Urawa.

"Sankeien" is featured on garden by a picturesque.
That have a place with beautiful scenery.
That day we saw varius plants of the seasonal fresh green.
Each member hunt each beauty spoy.
The morning each member got in search of beauty spot.

To begin with, at noon we appoint a Japanese style restrant.
At table, a dark gray striped hair cat buttered us up.
One of men gaved a fried middle shrimp.
This is palatabe food for cat.

Next we saw a brown hair cat, over oppositsite.
He moved quickly down under pailsade to inside house of roost.

Last time we saw a white cat.
Affer passing rain, we went round by the exit.
That has an iris pond.
A white cat stayed an small island intervald this side about one meter.

Unexpectedly the white cat clear this one meter zone of water, and came to this shore.

Some one said.
She did good job.
We could'nt see flowers but could see three cats.


2012-03-04 00:08:50 | english




Help ビートルズ

2012-03-03 23:27:09 | english

Paul: Easterner with greasy feet speek with forked tongue. (脂性の足のカヒリ人は二枚舌)
John; Does he? What's he say?   (なんて言ってる?)
Paul; Passing this way, hot foot!  (急いで通り過ぎてる)

ビートルズのHelp はこの時代の意味だったのですね。

speak with a forked tongue 「二枚舌で話す」

直訳: 「分岐した舌で話す」
例文: Those who speak with a forked tongue don't notice that they contradict themselves.   二枚舌で話す人は自己矛盾を起こしていることに気付かない。

 Easterner は辞書的には「アメリカ東部州の人」ですが,ここではカヒリという架空の国の人を指しています。 hotfoot は「急いで」という副詞。 しかし足跡を見て hot foot 「まだはっきり残っている足跡」とかけています。 また『ヘルプ』の登場人物の Foot 博士という人物とも多少の絡みがあるのかもしれません。

Speak with a forked tongue

2012-03-03 23:23:38 | english
English teacher は Puerto Rico のかたでアメリカ人ですが、祖父がイタリアから移民してきたといっていた。イタリア料理がとくい。

でまた manyhatsにもどって、二枚舌など英語表現は?
snake tongue
split tongue
forked tongue
そしてて付け加える。このforkはspoon 、forkのfork。

それから又付け加える。アメリカ南西部のインディアンがいっていた。白人はfoeked tongueだと。アメリカ独立のときの話ということで。ロスのさらにまた南のインデアンが勝手に言っていたと。彼の親類はロスに住んでいる。

ーーfm web--

a forked tongue はヘビのそれのように先が分岐している舌。  この慣用句はアメリカ原住民(インディアン)の慣用表現が起源と言われています。 しかしイタリア語にはこれとほぼ同じ発想の avere la lingua biforcuta 「分岐した舌を持っている」という表現があります。 またイタリア語には他に parlare doppio 「二重に話す」という慣用句もあります。

A man of many hats

2012-03-03 22:14:46 | english
Today's english class by Claudio says last class lesson's words. That is " A man of many hats!"

And He ask some person about this words meaning.
in the sense situation of many idra.
in a certain sense can do many thing.

in the strict sense of the word , hats means ocupations.

Then I serch the words "A man of many hats".


17 jobs? And you think you have to do a lot of juggling

Steve Bergerson is a busy man.

But Bergerson, 47, wasn’t too busy to email his “Many hats” submission to the Brainerd Dispatch’s Labor Day section contest. He also wasn’t too busy to answer questions for this interview since the Dispatch picked him as the prize winner when it asked: How many hats do you wear?

And Bergerson, a teacher in the Pine River-Backus School District, definitely wears a lot of hats — 17 to be exact.


2012-01-27 19:01:14 | english
今日明治神宮にいって、 a votive picture tablet のまえで ひげの外国人で白人でもない、けれどアラブ人かなと思われる人が6人固まって写真をとったりして楽しんでいた。絵馬に興味を持っていそうな感じで、40歳前後の、何かの研修?で来ているようだった。声をかけて、きいてみた。

‘Where come fron?’



確かに Bahrainとかいている。
で地図を描いてくれた。サウジアラビア。uhun、右にカタール。uhun そしてその上に バファラン。

‘OK! I see.’

‘How long stay in Japan? ’
‘ 3weeks.’


向こうもにっこり 「シュクラン」

ニッポン とジャパンみたい?

アラビア言語圏と会話したのは、サウジアラビア人のかたと一昨年2ケ月ほどあるけれど。Bahrain の人とは初めてだ。


2012-01-09 21:21:24 | english
Every month we are given two pieces of homework.

The professor said.
Usually, we shoud call assingnment or paper to people in college, and in US so on.

We must do our home work, but that is one's disposal.
We have a lot of assignment , two pieces of assignments.

One are some script and another are some quiz.
Script must be ritten on A4 paper,at letter, with accuracy,mathematical precision.

The 'g' in 'assignment' is not pronounced.
We pronounce the word assignment/asainment/.

★assignment is a piece of work that is given to someone as part of their job, or that a student is asked to do
◆Half the students were given different assigment. (fm. LONGMAN Dictionary)

★a task or duty assigned as part of a job or course of study. (fm. The concise Oxford Dictionary)


2012-01-09 14:41:06 | english
Do to others as you would have others do to you.

は聖書からとっている。と言われて16世紀の聖書をもってきてその箇所をよむ。as は「~のように」で 自分を低く他人を高く見る思想が当時あった。

