

y は i

2012-01-09 12:43:29 | english
What do you call this tree in English?
We call it a cypress.

How do you pronounce the English "cypress"?

We pronounce the word cypress/saipres/.

The 'y' in 'cypress' is pronounced to 'ai'.
pronounce a word to 'i' is wrong.
But we pronounce the City and pretty are not pronounce the y /ai/.
We pronounce the words city/csity/ and pretty/priti/.


2012-01-09 01:07:23 | english






2012-01-09 00:48:51 | english
イギリスはtube。1837年 イギリスではじめて地下鉄ができた。それは地下に深くもぐっていくように下っていた。だからtubeになった。

アメリカはsubway。 sub は下へと意味 ラテン語からきている。

favour = favor. centre = center アメリカは意図的に短くつくられてた。優位性?差別化を図る?

水は an un countarble noun だが 二つにわけても水は水である。 食べ物も an un counteble noun だが There are many foods.

Let me help you with the dishs. with は ~で  なるほど dishは「v」でないですけどね、

Let me help you with the car. でもOK?ときくと、まさか車洗ってではないでしょ、乗せてあげるよとなるよ。状況で。


2012-01-09 00:16:14 | english

Talk of the devil, and he will appair.
English いかにsimple でいいかを言っている。


いま使っているEasy Everyday English Through Sentence Patterns でnativeのひとの音声の模範解答のいらない言葉を削除する。

Could you tell me the way to the nearest suppermarket?
I'm sorry. I'm a stranger here. 
音声では here の次に myself がついている。

historically albatross

2011-09-20 00:12:10 | english
ARIMURA Chie come from behind victory.

The before day YOKOMINE Sakura was tornament reader.

People say that albatross never happen.

Standerd strokes 5

-5strokes is per.
-4strokes is birdie.
-3strokes is eagle.
-2strokrs is albatross.

Either more she get plus hole in one.

These were very historically.
That is only one history.
This event will go down in history.

さすが -ish

2011-09-17 17:38:52 | english


昨日中学生の授業で、「さすが先生」といわれたので、喜んだいたら、次にその子が「indeed teacger」といったようで、苦笑した。辞書を引いたことが明々白々だ。と笑い話としていっていた。


I'm 60ish! という。 これは表現で。
I'm in my 60's!  これが正しいいいかた。面接のときはこういう。


She is about 40-ish, I'd say.
Come round about seven-ish. (
around seven などとはことなり after seven but before eight ぐらいいの含みを持っている とある。


Burial plot

2011-08-22 00:03:55 | english
He said, she bought brial plot, not grave, because no one die.

Claudio's elder sister disappeared at CA many days ago.
Her disappearance was puzzle to them.
She went back to them 5years after, but their mother had already died when she appeared. Her mother was yet commorated.

Then it is no peace. Earth burial set as a grave. They visit a grave, pay one's respect at mother to peace returns.He does'nt say their mother sleep in the grave. Not use 〝sleep".
Her soul is in their heart.

A man's soul is said to be immortal.

commorate 弔う

2011-08-21 16:00:41 | english


日本にはCeremonyがあるが、それにはcelebrate とcommorateと二つにわけられる。comorateはお盆(All Soul's Day)、迎え火、お墓詣り
ceremonyは 7-5-3Day、Coming of Age Day

Claudioは Commorate と板書した。

まえも日本の福音はは非常にまじめだとClaudioがいったとき、アメリカのdemocratic pertyとRe publican partyの違いのことを言ったことがある。ちょうど前夜に池上彰の学べるニュースで non-beliebersのことを覚えたばかりだった。Claudioはとてもわかりやすくアメリカの状態を説明してくれた。


でgooleでみると、アジェルバイジャンの【弔う】場面〈大勢の人々が黒い服をきていたので、勝手にそう思った。おそらくあたりであろうかとも〉のYou tubeがみられた。それから、ロシアや韓国にもlinkしてみた。

I made my bed, now I have

2011-08-20 17:54:01 | english
I made my bed, now I have sleeping time.
Our teacher, Craudio, was thirty minute late to class.

First time our leader make a call to Craudio by mobile. He still on bed.
It's too late now.
But he said , even if you don't like it, you wait me about 20minutes?
I'd like to have a class, tell me your choice. OK?
Our member's answer is OK.

About 30minutes after, he appeared.

He approve himself a good teacher.
He had class as a English teacher at Pulaza North from 10:00am to 9.00pm for kids, childen and junir high school students.
Last day he was very busy as bees.

He has had such a busy morning, shavig, washing and changeing clothes.

You made your bed, now you have sleeping time.

He quote a well-known saying.

He is punctual to a proverb anytime. He set clas above more 30minutes, samely.

lost way

2011-08-03 12:46:26 | english
Losing my way upset me badly. I was lost in the forest.I got lost through not knowing the way.
Then I was thought lost.
What shall I do.
I hesitated what I should be.

I was puzzled which to choose. Then I phoneed by my mobile phone to my frends. Please call my name, but no one not catch me.

Then I knocked a certain house. But I feel dubious what to say.

I had to get few randmark to return my pention.


2011-04-18 00:33:28 | english
This classroom looks like evacuee .

New member came with our groop.
I wander if your relationship are evacuee in the Disaster Area.

His freend lived in Sendai, he is Bokushi , and now is evacuee.
Other menber's parent live in Iwate, Few days were evacuee, but now live in their house.

In Saitama I hear some peaple came from Fukusima, or so.