Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

文科省 心の性と一致した制服や体操着の着用を通知

2015年04月30日 11時52分11秒 | Weblog
2015年04月30日 11時29分




Together, we can make a difference to the former Korean sex slaves for U.S. servicemen

2015年04月30日 10時29分02秒 | Weblog
"Toward an Alliance of Hope" - Address to a Joint Meeting of the U.S. Congress by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Pearl Harbor, Bataan Corregidor, Coral Sea.... The battles engraved at the Memorial crossed my mind, and I reflected upon the lost dreams and lost futures of those young Americans.

History is harsh. What is done cannot be undone.

With deep repentance in my heart, I stood there in silent prayers for some time.

My dear friends, on behalf of Japan and the Japanese people, I offer with profound respect my eternal condolences to the souls of all American people that were lost during World War II.

Post war, we started out on our path bearing in mind feelings of deep remorse over the war. Our actions brought suffering to the peoples in Asian countries. We must not avert our eyes from that. I will uphold the views expressed by the previous prime ministers in this regard.


As regards the state of Asian waters, let me underscore here my three principles.

First, states shall make their claims based on international law.

Second, they shall not use force or coercion to drive their claims.

And third, to settle disputes, any disputes, they shall do so by peaceful means.

We must make the vast seas stretching from the Pacific to the Indian Oceans seas of peace and freedom, where all follow the rule of law.

For that very reason we must fortify the U.S.-Japan alliance. That is our responsibility.

Now, let me tell you.

In Japan we are working hard to enhance the legislative foundations for our security.

Once in place, Japan will be much more able to provide a seamless response for all levels of crisis.

seamless response ということで、どれだけ、アメリカにこき使われるか、あるいは、距離を保てるか、そこらへんが問題。

Armed conflicts have always made women suffer the most. In our age, we must realize the kind of world where finally women are free from human rights abuses.

Armed conflicts have always made women suffer the most, some are forced to serve as sex slaves for U.S. military.
Japan faced history. I'll promise Japan will work hard to see it that former Korean sex slaves for U.S. servicemen will receive the same apology they got from Japan from U.S. and Korea.


Our servicemen and women have made substantial accomplishments. So have our aid workers who have worked so steadily.

Their combined sum has given us a new self-identity.

That's why we now hold up high a new banner that is "proactive contribution to peace based on the principle of international cooperation."

Let me repeat. "Proactive contribution to peace based on the principle of international cooperation" should lead Japan along its road for the future.

Alliance of hope.... Together, we can make a difference.

Thank you so much.

Together, we can make a difference to the former Korean sex slaves for U.S. servicemen といえたら、女性の人権を唱導するマイクホンダは満足しただろうか?


2015年04月30日 10時04分31秒 | Weblog
(信じる私:2)多様な性、深まらぬ理解 渋谷区条例、権利と中傷



 渋谷区の証明書、どう思いますか? 「やっぱり同性愛は遊びとしか考えられません。申し訳ないけど」





2015年04月30日 01時58分12秒 | Weblog





Good Bye Rubio 日本と韓国の国益は相反する

2015年04月30日 01時45分33秒 | Weblog


Rubio hopes Japan's Abe addresses 'comfort women' rift http://fw.to/2vOmfyF 共和党の予備選が混戦になると、カリフォルニアでの予備選に意味が出てくるから、韓国系米人に媚びを売っているんです、これは。


返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録


"Eternal condolences / feelings of deep remorse over the war"

2015年04月30日 01時22分09秒 | Weblog
2015年04月30日 01時07分


Japan PM Offers Condolences for WWII Dead in Historic Speech
WASHINGTON — Apr 29, 2015, 12:10 PM ET

But as he did at a news conference Tuesday with President Barack Obama, Abe stopped short of offering an apology for Japanese conduct during the war, including sexual enslavement of tens of thousands of Asian women by Japan's imperial army. South Korea and a number of U.S. lawmakers have sought such an apology, but Abe did not offer one.


Japan PM Abe offers 'deep repentance' over war with US

Correspondents say he stopped short of offering an apology for Japan's conduct during the war, which included the sexual enslavement of tens of thousands of Asian women by Japanese troops.

In the audience was Lee Yong-soo, one of thousands of Korean women forced into Japanese military brothels during the war.
She was invited to Congress by Democratic Representative Mike Honda, a strong critic of Mr Abe.


Abe needs to promote the solution for the problem of the former sex slaves for Japanese military and German military during during World War II , American Military during Korean War and the U.S. military and Korean military during the Vietnam War.

ウケる bring laughs, win giggles

2015年04月29日 21時01分56秒 | Weblog

しかし、座の盛り上げ役をさらったのは安倍首相のスピーチだった。まず、29日に日本の首相として初めて行う米上下両院合同会議での演説を前に練習をしているエピソードを披露。「演説の練習を部屋でしていたのですが、妻は聞き飽きたと言って、昨日は別々に寝ることになりました」と語ると笑いが起こった。米国の政界を舞台にした米テレビドラマ「ハウス・オブ・カード 野望の階段(House of Cards)」の「ハードコア」ファンだと語るとまた笑いが起き、しかし政治家たちの激烈な競争を描いたこのドラマを閣僚たちに見せることはないと言うと、笑いは頂点に達した。

But it was Abe, who arrived to the military-flanked north portico of the White House in a black limousine, who perhaps stole the show.

With Japan’s first lady getting tired of all the practicing, “we ended up in separate rooms,” Abe said, bringing laughs. An admission that he was a “hardcore fan” of the hit US television show “House of Cards” also won giggles, which reached a crescendo when he admitted he would not show the cut-throat political series to cabinet colleagues. 

ウケる というのは、bring laughs, win giggles というのを使えそうだね。

English explanation of Filipino-Japanese case where he was exempt from fine

2015年04月29日 19時10分07秒 | Weblog
Justin Thyme 読解力がないのか、刑法についての知識がないのか、わからないところは質問してほしい。

Justin Thyme April 27, 2015 at 1:04 pm

The accused man was with his brother and sister, all three on bicycles. Two drunks abused them, and one went after, and grabbed hold of, the man’s brother. He went in to help his brother, was grabbed himself, and struck the man.
The court said that it could not say whether the accused man’s reaction was justified self-defence, or excessive, so it’s puzzling that Havill is so certain it must have been excessive.

第二百四条 人の身体を傷害した者は、十五年以下の懲役又は五十万円以下の罰金に処する。
Article 204 A person who causes another to suffer injury shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than 15 years or a fine of not more than 500,000 yen.

第三十六条 急迫不正の侵害に対して、自己又は他人の権利を防衛するため、やむを得ずにした行為は、罰しない。
Article 36 (1) An act unavoidably performed to protect the rights of oneself or any other person against imminent and unlawful infringement is not punishable.
2 防衛の程度を超えた行為は、情状により、その刑を減軽し、又は免除することができる。
(2) An act exceeding the limits of self-defense may lead to the punishment being reduced or may exculpate the offender in light of the circumstances.

The court ruled that he was guilty of injury. The act exceeded the limits of self-defense. However, considering that it went beyond the limit only a little bit and taking account of other factors , the the punishment was exculpated based on the criminal code 36-2



Exempting punishment is different from not guilty. It presupposes that the accused was guilty.

Justin Thyme April 27, 2015 at 3:27 pm

I think we can all be grateful that Havill’s guesswork about injuries and their causes forms no part of Japan’s civil code.
That other website is frequently ridiculous but you open yourself up to the same charge when you start taking contrary positions out of habit, rather than thinking them through.
The injuries were not sufficient to determine whether the accused used excessive force. If they were, then the court would have said so. The accused was being strangled at the time he was hitting out – not just having his “collar grabbed” – which I suspect counted in his favour.
The court had several problems with the prosecution case. The absence of a Tagalog interpreter was key, because it meant the full circumstances of the affray did not come to light.
The court ruled that the prosecutor acted unjustly by only prosecuting one party. Given the possibility that the drunken man attacked first, the court saw no reason why he had not also been prosecuted, or both men released without charge.

The police didn't use the Tagalog interpreter but just English interpreter. The prosecutors used Tagalog interpreter.
The problem as the judge saw it was the prosecutors charged "the defendant without properly considering the case" despite the fact they used Tagalog intepreter "and based purely on the degree of physical injury that resulted from the scuffle"

The court claims that "it is unfair to punish only the Filipino-Japanese man, given that the drunken man was not indicted for assault"  Since "Neither of the drunks was indicted", the prosecutors shouldn't have indicted the the Filipino-Japanese man either. The court didn't say it "saw no reason why he had not also been prosecuted".

Justin Thyme April 28, 2015 at 2:27 pm

The accused was not found “guilty because he used used excessive force”. No article I’ve seen, certainly not the Mainichi, says anything like that. You are the only one drawing that conclusion, and calling the man a thug.
Read this line you quote from the Mainichi article again:
There is nothing in that about being “guilty because he used excessive force”. All it says is that the court accepts he assaulted the other man, but decided to void the punishment.

The court ruled he was guilty of injury; The defendant used the excessive force, punching him in the face, causing a broken bone. The defendant attacked the drunken man even after the drunken man stopped attacking. That was a bit excessive, the court judged, according to the articles cited.

1)Every article admits that he was guilty of injury (Kyodo (eng) used the word, "assault")
2) Every article except kyodo mentions it was excessive. Excessive self-defense means using excessive force in trying to defend oneself.
3) Yomiuri explains in what respect the force was excessive "男性の暴行が止まった後も被告が殴り続けたことから「過剰防衛にあたる」と傷害罪を認めた"



2015年04月29日 18時26分01秒 | Weblog
処刑されたA級戦犯らの法要 首相、メッセージ寄せず


Justin Thyme 読解力がないのか、刑法についての知識がないのか、わからないところは質問してほしい。

2015年04月29日 10時38分08秒 | Weblog
Justin Thyme April 27, 2015 at 1:04 pm

The accused man was with his brother and sister, all three on bicycles. Two drunks abused them, and one went after, and grabbed hold of, the man’s brother. He went in to help his brother, was grabbed himself, and struck the man.
The court said that it could not say whether the accused man’s reaction was justified self-defence, or excessive, so it’s puzzling that Havill is so certain it must have been excessive.

第二百四条 人の身体を傷害した者は、十五年以下の懲役又は五十万円以下の罰金に処する。
Article 204 A person who causes another to suffer injury shall be punished by imprisonment with work for not more than 15 years or a fine of not more than 500,000 yen.

第三十六条 急迫不正の侵害に対して、自己又は他人の権利を防衛するため、やむを得ずにした行為は、罰しない。
Article 36 (1) An act unavoidably performed to protect the rights of oneself or any other person against imminent and unlawful infringement is not punishable.
2 防衛の程度を超えた行為は、情状により、その刑を減軽し、又は免除することができる。
(2) An act exceeding the limits of self-defense may lead to the punishment being reduced or may exculpate the offender in light of the circumstances.

The court ruled that he was guilty of injury. The act exceeded the limits of self-defense. However, considering it went beyond the limit only a little bit and taking account of other factors, the the punishment was exculpated based on the criminal code 36-2



Exempting punishment is different from not guilty. It presupposes that the accused was guilty.

Justin Thyme April 27, 2015 at 3:27 pm

I think we can all be grateful that Havill’s guesswork about injuries and their causes forms no part of Japan’s civil code.
That other website is frequently ridiculous but you open yourself up to the same charge when you start taking contrary positions out of habit, rather than thinking them through.
The injuries were not sufficient to determine whether the accused used excessive force. If they were, then the court would have said so. The accused was being strangled at the time he was hitting out – not just having his “collar grabbed” – which I suspect counted in his favour.
The court had several problems with the prosecution case. The absence of a Tagalog interpreter was key, because it meant the full circumstances of the affray did not come to light.
The court ruled that the prosecutor acted unjustly by only prosecuting one party. Given the possibility that the drunken man attacked first, the court saw no reason why he had not also been prosecuted, or both men released without charge.

The police didn't use the Tagalog interpreter but just English interpreter. The prosecutors used Tagalog interpreter.
The problem as the judge saw it was the prosecutors charged "the defendant without properly considering the case and based purely on the degree of physical injury that resulted from the scuffle"

The court claims that "it is unfair to punish only the Filipino-Japanese man, given that the drunken man was not indicted for assault"  Since "Neither of the drunks was indicted", the prosecutors shouldn't have indicted the the Filipino-Japanese man either.

Justin Thyme April 28, 2015 at 2:27 pm

The accused was not found “guilty because he used used excessive force”. No article I’ve seen, certainly not the Mainichi, says anything like that. You are the only one drawing that conclusion, and calling the man a thug.
Read this line you quote from the Mainichi article again:
There is nothing in that about being “guilty because he used excessive force”. All it says is that the court accepts he assaulted the other man, but decided to void the punishment.

The court ruled he was guilty of injury; The defendant used the excessive force, punching him in the face, causing a broken bone. The defendant attacked the drunken man even after the drunken man stopped attacking. That was a bit excessive, the court judged.


大阪簡裁:傷害罪の男性に刑免除の判決 相手が先に攻撃
毎日新聞 2015年04月24日 14時12分(最終更新 04月24日 15時49分)










 北川健太郎・大阪地検次席検事の話 判決の認定と評価は不満だが、事案の内容及び証拠関係を再検討した結果、控訴の要はないものと判断した。






2015年04月24日 Copyright © The Yomiuri Shimbun


大阪市内で2013年6月に起きた傷害事件で、当事者と なった新日系2世の男性被告(23)









Filipino-Japanese exempt from fine after Osaka police botch assault probe

OSAKA – The police investigation into a street brawl in Osaka in 2013 that resulted in a fine for a Filipino-Japanese man was superficial and should never have caused charges to be filed, a court in Osaka has ruled.

In a rare ruling, the Osaka Summary Court decided to  exempt the 23-year-old defendant from punishment despite finding him guilty of assault, after hearing that the police failed to provide him with a Tagalog interpreter. The man can only speak limited Japanese.

According to the ruling, two drunken men began a quarrel with the defendant on a street in Osaka in June 2013. When one of them grabbed his collar, the Philippine-Japanese man punched him in the face, causing a broken bone.

Neither of the drunks was indicted. But the court initially ordered the Filipino-Japanese man to pay a \300,000 ($2,500) fine in January 2014. The defendant filed a complaint and sought a formal trial, leading to a ruling that effectively canceled the fine on Feb. 26.

The ruling was finalized on March 13 after the appeal period expired.

“This is de facto innocence,” said Masanori Matsuoka, the defendant’s lawyer. “It’s an excellent ruling that criticized the investigation of a man who cannot speak Japanese sufficiently.”

Judge Akinori Hatayama said it is unfair to punish only the Filipino-Japanese man, given that the drunken man was not indicted for assault.

The judge criticized the prosecutors for charging the defendant without properly considering the case and based purely on the degree of physical injury that resulted from the scuffle.









French people and journalists love to hear how badly women are treated in other countries.

2015年04月29日 10時27分16秒 | Weblog

uni (ジャスミン男)



10件のリツイート 12件のお気に入り
返信 リツイート10 お気に入りに登録12




It's CNN, What were you expecting? CNNに期待するだけ無駄?

2015年04月29日 08時42分22秒 | Weblog

why is that coverage so consistently unsatisfying? CNN, like all televised media, specializes in nearsighted news, favoring big, easily apprehensible images and storylines. The limitations of the format often demand one central visual narrative, to which the reporting and commentary act in service. Burning cars and looted buildings are big, striking images that play well on television, but they too often end up reducing complicated issues to stories about property damage.

Some local leaders expressed frustration that the media coverage was wholly focused on isolated pockets of lawlessness while ignoring the many peaceful protests happening at the same time. While I understand their frustration, I can’t fault the media for emphasizing the riots. Like it or not, “if it bleeds, it leads” is how journalism works, and that’s not necessarily a flaw. If it bleeds, it’s generally important, too.
But good journalism also tries to understand why a city is bleeding instead of just frowning at the wound. (Or fitting it into a script that was written in Ferguson.)

Where are the police? When the Sun’s Fenton asks that question, it reads like an actual question. When CNN asks that question, it sounds like what the network really means is: We need more police! And that’s not the right answer at all. More police on the streets might quell these particular riots, but it’s a tactic that will likely just serve to reinforce the difference between us and them.



It is CNN, What were you expecting ?







Black Baltimore Residents Aren't "Animals".

2015年04月29日 08時23分05秒 | Weblog

Black Baltimore Residents Aren't "Animals". We Punish People for Killing Animals
The state and private animal welfare organizations both protect animals, and do as much as humanly possible to ensure they have access to food and shelter.
By Jason Nichols / The Guardian April 28, 2015

People – including police officers – are punished for killing or doing harm to domestic animals. Baltimore has busted dog fighting rings and sent offenders to prison for animal cruelty. In 2014, former Baltimore City police officer Alec Taylor was sentenced to a year behind bars for killing a dog. That might not seem like much, but it is longer than the sentences given to the killers of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Rekia Boyd or 7-year-oldAiyana Stanley-Jones.

Animals – even ones who kill humans like Tilikum, a SeaWorld orca who has been involved in the deaths of three people – are spoken of with more compassion and understanding than young black boys who shove a store clerk or take pictures giving the middle finger on social media. Tilikum is said to be a victim of his captivity and environment, and former SeaWorld trainers have said that, were he in a more humane or free environment, he would have not harmed a human being.

Black Baltimoreans who are venting their anger at their decades-long economic and social marginalization are not given the benefit of the doubt like Tilikum.
