Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

トルコとEU 他

2010年10月13日 01時37分01秒 | Weblog
不法滞在者に強制送還予定を事前通知 入管が改善策(2/2ページ)





生活保護世帯の子に進学支援拡大 無料学習会や塾代補助(1/3ページ)




英語の先生を米留学、小中高の若手1~2年 2010年10月10日18時38分 読売新聞

Japan teachers may get English training in U.S.


RT ロシアトゥデイ

NYC income gap greater than India’s
Published 12 October, 2010


“We live in a winner take all society. Where there is a small number of stars, who make vast salaries, and where the majority of people have too much month left at the end of the money,” explained financial analyst Michael Wolff.


German politician inflames immigration debate
Horst Seehofer calls for halt to immigration for Turks and Arabs, claiming they find it hard to integrate

Kate Connolly, Berlin
guardian.co.uk, Monday 11 October 2010

A leading German politician has stoked a debate about foreigners and the workplace after calling for a halt to immigration for Turks and Arabs, citing the difficulties they have in integrating.・・・・・

・・・・・"It's clear that immigrants from other cultural circles like Turkey, and Arab countries have more difficulties. From that I draw the conclusion that we don't need any additional foreign workers from other cultures," he said.

He added that Germany should first "deal with the people who already live here" and "get tougher on those who refuse to integrate" before opening itself up to further immigration.・・・・・

ドイツ トルコやアラブからの移民は同化するのがむずかしいから、受け容れるのはやめろ、という論議が起きている、と。

EU opposition to Turkish accession is 'racist,' Chomsky says

Today @ 09:2
The real reason for the EU rejecting Turkey's membership is "racism," US linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky has told a Turkish newspaper. Meanwhile, Germany's anti-immigration debate escalated over the weekend with one of Angela Merkel's key allies saying the country should ban more incoming Turkish and Arab workers.

"Europe can claim with some justification that Turkey has not satisfied all of the human rights conditions. On the other hand, I don't really think this is the reason. ... I think it is plain racism," Mr Chomsky told Zaman, a right-leaning Turkish newspaper on Sunday (10 October).

The US philosopher and long-time critic of Western foreign policy singled out a recent statement by German Chancellor Angela Merkel that Muslims in the country must accept that Germany's culture is based on Christian and Jewish values and said it was "a pretty extreme and racist statement from a major political figure in Europe."

Germany is only one of the European countries that is seeing a "right-wing backlash against Muslim immigrants," he said, arguing this is the "background reason" why Turkey is unlikely to join the EU anytime soon, even if it were to meet all human rights standards



The latter-day 'scarlet letter' of sex work
Woe betide any woman with sex work on her resume: she risks being shamed and blacklisted by America's punitive moralists

Jennifer Abel
guardian.co.uk, Monday 11

So, if any strippers or (God forbid) prostitutes are reading this, and thinking, "Someday, when I finish university, pay off my debts, or the economy improves, I'd like to quit this job and do something else," here's two words of advice: don't bother. At least, don't bother if your sordid past is public knowledge, because the public for the most part believes two things: first, sex and sexuality are inherently degrading if you make money off either one; and second, the sex work you do or did defines you as a person, and will for the rest of your life.




”白人”の欲する淫らな日本・日本人記事を英語で書く日本人淫売記者もだから、生活のため、という点では軽蔑しないが、他の日本人に迷惑をかける分たちが悪い。むしろ、因業 pimp に近いのかもしれない。

English Defence League forges links with America's Tea Party
As the far-right group marches in Leicester, details are emerging of growing contacts with extremist US groups in a 'war on Islamification"

Mark Townsend
The Observer, Sunday 10 October 2010

英国防衛同盟EDLが米国TEA PARTYと連携しはじめた、と。

EDL leicester - street fight
British NationalismNatDemUK さんのチャンネル

US Tea Partiers rally at Virginia Convention
Published 12 October, 2010,


US Columbus Day marked with celebration and protest
permalinke-mail story to a friendprint version

Published 12 October, 2010,


A national holiday marked with celebrations, parades and shopping bargains; all of it to honor the conquest of the Americas by Christopher Columbus and his western development of the new world. In the US Columbus means America.

But not for ReconsiderColumbusDay.org; “For way too long, Columbus created heinous crimes against the indigenous populations of the Caribbean and millions of Natives throughout the Americas. And Columbus set the stage for the slave trade in the New World.”

For Indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere, the landing of Columbus in the new world has another meaning; one that welcomes protests every year.

From San Juan Capistrano, California where one protester points to a plaque at a missionary, "Look here, it says to Christianize and to civilize the Indians. What are they trying to say? We are all savages? It's pure racism!"

At Boise State University in Idaho, protests condemned the treatment of Native people by Columbus; “Thank you Mr. Columbus, for humiliation, extermination, indoctrination."

At Arizona State University, students from an NGO known as Freedom Rising staged a dramatization.

"KILL HER, KILL THEM, GET RID OF THEM!" an actress shouted to a group of Native actors.

Even Rhode Island where one newscaster reported, "At Brown University – Earlier this year, Brown voted to boycott the Christopher Columbus day Holiday after 700 hundreds students signed a petition blasting Christopher Columbus' treatment of Native Americans."

Read more

It's a day of mourning for Native tribes in Washington State, Colorado and throughout the countless Indian reservations in the country.

In Washington, DC an annual ceremony honoring Columbus takes place in the backdrop of the US Capitol.

Dana Ramsey who was visiting Washington DC from Seattle, Washington said “Columbus Day is just a day off of work or a federal holiday, but coming to Washington and seeing that is makes a big difference, kinda brings it home.”

The District of Columbia was actually named after Christopher Columbus. In the US capitol, he is honored every year in this celebration behind me. For anyone traveling to DC by train, they make their way here to Union Station and one of the first things they will probably see is a lovely white stone statue. It’s dedicated to Columbus and the three flagpoles signify the three ships that brought the explorer and his crew to the new World.

“People here say he discovered America, what they did was conquer the Americas,” said one protester.


Despite the historic mistreatment of Native Americans, the US has never issued a formal apology to their indigenous population as other nations have.




Weekend Tangent: My great grandmother’s veal turkey stuffing recipe

Posted by debito on October 9th, 2010


Peach Says:
October 9th, 2010 at 6:21 am
Happy Thanksgiving Debito!

Ryan V Says:
October 9th, 2010 at 8:01 am
Happy Thanksgiving. The Recipe looks yummy.


なお、(アメリカンインディアンが悪い!! 有道ブログも参照)



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