Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

アメリカの ”帝国主義化、白人至上主義化”

2012年12月12日 01時00分03秒 | Weblog

私もわが国の「右傾化(ならず者化)」を強く憂う一人だけど、そんな私ですら、これ→ pic.twitter.com/WFHXKyxI"" はショックだった。タイム誌の表紙が日本をこう表現するのは戦後の歴史の中で初めてのことだろう。事態は思っている以上に深刻なのかもしれない。
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Why Japan Is Still Not Sorry Enough

By Kirk SpitzerDec. 11, 2012


Is Japan as unrepentant about its past as its neighbors claim?

Yes. But it’s not as simple as that.

It’s true, Japan has not been as repentant as Germany or other countries that have faced up to the darker sides of their past. Japan has apologized for waging aggressive war and oppressing its neighbors, but those apologies have fumbling and awkward, and often been undercut by revisionist statements from senior politicians. Japan has offered relatively little compensation to the victims. And to this day there are no nationally sponsored museums or monuments that acknowledge Japanese aggression or atrocities.





A Wave of Patriotism

By Hannah Beech / Tokyo Monday, Dec. 17, 2012




Next-gen US drone: now equipped with ‘death ray’ laser
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Published: 11 December,


Democracy Now! ·

“When we heard the Nobel Prize for peace would be given to the European Union, we first thought it was a joke,” says Dimitris Kodelas of the left-wing opposition group Syriza.



Are we still committed to human rights for all?
The institutions and states that support fundamental human rights must act honestly, honourably and effectively.
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In the context of the UN General Assembly vote on the Palestine's observer status in the UN, we had the profoundly distasteful exhibition of double standards by France and the United Kingdom in trying to extract promises from the Palestinian leaders that they would never seek to refer Israel to the International Criminal Court (ICC). This cynical effort was led by the same parties who call daily for accountability for the Assad regime in Syria.

The issue here is not whether Israel has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, but rather that two powerful States Parties of the Rome Statute for the ICC think it appropriate to impede even the prospect of an independent and impartial investigation by the court that they helped to create. This is grist to the mill for all those who claim that the ICC is nothing but an instrument of Western political interests and it relegates the people of Palestine to second class citizens in terms of the possible protection they can expect from the court.





社説:集団的自衛権 憲法の歯止めが必要だ










毎日新聞 2012年12月11日 21時32分






2030年に覇権国家は存在せず 米中「直接対峙」の懸念も 米報告書
2012.12.11 14:37 [中国]











So why can’t the Japanese just say, “We were wrong. We’re sorry”?

Apologizing is a costly business for leaders of any country, and requires the investment of a great deal of political capital. Apologies tend to be given when there is a belief that those apologies will be accepted, at least in part, and that dialogue between the two sides will be advanced. So unless there are strong reasons to do so, most leaders avoid it.

American readers may recall how difficult it has been for us to come to terms with the legacy of slavery and institutionalized racism. Issues like the atomic bombings of Japan and the massacre of insurgents in the Philippines remain difficult for American politicians to address ― if they are aware of them as issues at all.

The problem is, in China and Korea there has been very little readiness to accept Japan’s efforts to promote reconciliation, and as a result, those efforts have tended to founder.

So it’s all Japan’s fault?

Read more: http://nation.time.com/2012/12/11/why-japan-is-still-not-sorry-enough/#ixzz2ElCQ5H8c

No, the Koreans and the Chinese bear a large share of the blame. With the Koreans, there has been an unwillingness to help the Japanese find ways of reconciling when the Japanese have tried to do so. This was most apparent with the Asian Women’s Fund, which the Korean government did not support and in fact subverted by establishing a separate, rival support system for the former comfort women. This has been made worse by the tendency of Korean politicians to score cheap points by very publicly taking out their frustrations with Japan ― as when President Lee Myung-bak went to Dokdo/Takeshima recently.

There is good reason to question whether the Chinese really want or care about reconciliation. When Jiang Zemin went to Tokyo in 1998, he hectored the Japanese about the past in ways that prevented the Japanese from offering the kind of written apology that they gave South Korea President Kim Dae-jung that same year.

Chinese leaders have preferred taking a hard line on Japan. This has been especially so when there are divisions in the Chinese leadership, and on a deeper level may have something to do with the Chinese leadership being deeply worried about their legitimacy. While Korean leaders are frequently unpopular, there is strong support for the Korean political system and pride in its democratic institutions, but Chinese leaders need to strike a nationalistic tone in part because there is greater internal skepticism about one-party rule.

Most other countries in Asia seemed to have moved on, haven’t they? Why are things different China and Korea? Was it because the occupations lasted longer, or because more people were killed there?

A lot of people died in Indonesia, Vietnam, and elsewhere, too. But Southeast Asians have been generally willing to forgive the Japanese. And the Japanese were in Taiwan even longer than in Korea, but anti-Japanese attitudes there are weak or non-existent.

To my mind, the key difference is how modern nationalism was created in those countries. Chinese and Korean nationalism is in many ways defined itself against Japan. In contrast, the national identity of most Southeast Asian countries was defined in opposition to their old colonial masters. In Indonesia, the focus was the Dutch, in Malaysia it was the British, and in the Philippines it was the United States. Taiwan is also instructive here, since the pro-democratic movement focused its resentment against domination by mainland China, first under the Nationalists and more recently against the PRC.

Read more: http://nation.time.com/2012/12/11/why-japan-is-still-not-sorry-enough/#ixzz2ElCKe800


