Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

MINDY KOTLER's misleading and malicious artilce on comfort women/ Kotler大センセによる慰安婦記事

2014年11月16日 01時33分19秒 | Weblog

The Opinion Pages | OPINION

The Comfort Women and Japan’s War on Truth


It seems Kotler, who can't read nor write Japanese well enough, does not understand the issue.

Sure , Japan is denying that Japanese military forcibly recruited Korean women in the way Seiji Yoshida claimed. Asashi admitted his "testimony" was wrong.

But Japan is not denying the fact that Japanese soldiers raped women and Japanese military was involved in setting up and running the brothels; they did just as American soldiers raped women and the U.S. military was involved in setting up and running the brothels as is shown in "against our will" and "Sex Among our allies"

Japan apologized and now even Abe has no intention to retract Kono Statement . On the other hand, the United State and New York times have been covering up the issue of sex slaves for the U.S. military. They should face up to the dark side of American history and should apologize to and compensate for the former sex slaves of the U.S. military just as Japanese government offered apology and compensation.

It is morally corrupt for an American like MINDY KOTLER and American News Magazine like NYT to blame Japan while distracting attention from the same crime U.S. committed. They are just as heinous as Japanese extreme right wingers who deny or/and ignore the dark side of their country.


The United States, in particular, has a responsibility to remind Japan, its ally, that human rights and women’s rights are pillars of American foreign policy.

Japan has a responsibility to remind NYT and the United States that human rights and women’s rights are pillars of Japanese foreign policy.

Just because the U.S. has the hard and soft power, it does not mean American denial of the historical record of human trafficking and sexual servitude is tolerable.

産経新聞完敗ではないか。国内で勝利宣言、国際的には完敗。 負ける戦争をするな、産経新聞。





The amount of pages American journalists spend on Asian sex slaves for U.S. military is scandalous

Dark Side of the Stars and Stripes---Shame on JAKE ADELSTEIN And BEN STUBBINGS

U.S. should put the statue symbolizing the sex slaves US military exploited at the Slavery Museum

Dark side of Japan Times

Dark side of Japan Times 2

The point is that Korean Sex Slave System for Japanese military and U.S. military were exactly same.

Must Read: The U.S. military’s long, uncomfortable history with Korean and Filipino sex slaves

"Comfort Women of Empire" Reviewed by Professor Jun BongGwan


