Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

If you do nothing to contain N. Korea now, the war will be fought on American soil later

2017年04月26日 19時08分03秒 | Weblog

“You better believe I’m willing to obliterate North Korea’s missile program before I would allow one to hit America,” Graham told reporters Monday. “Any American president who would subject this country to a missile attack from North Korea is making a huge mistake, because it’s an unstable regime.”

He went on to say he is confident the president won’t be soft of the country, which recently threatened to sink US aircraft carrier.

“I can’t believe this is going to be part of Donald Trump’s resume — that I allowed the North Koreans to develop a missile that hit America,” he said.

Graham noted if a war took place, it would not be fought on home soil.

“It’s bad for South Korea, it’s bad for Japan, it’s bad for China — you know they need to help us,” he said. “The one thing I can tell you right now, if there’s a war between us and North Korea now it’ll be over there not here.




