Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2008年02月12日 22時53分22秒 | Weblog
Japan probe


Matt - I’m pretty sure Debito removed the PDF file that contained the name (once he realized it was wrong); blacked out the name; and then re-posted it. When I tried to download the file (the verdict in Japanese - that is what you are referring too?) it wasn’t available because it has been removed.

And FYI, I have taken the time to read Mr. Ibuyor’s some 150 pages worth of letters that he wrote from prison and it is very difficult to judge what actually happened. I am not a judge and I have no legal expertise but from the tone of the letters something is very fishing in terms of the testimony from the alleged victim’s side. If Ibuyor’s account of the story is 100% truthful and accurate to the T, then the alleged victim is the one who should be sitting behind bars. She was the dishonest one. Some punishment to pay for arguing about a parking ticket! And if Ibuyor’s tales are just made up fictional stories he is one damn good story teller who hides the truth very well. Read the letters and see what YOU think.

eh…don’t bother arguing with matt, he’s a hypocrite who will blame a man forever for making a mistake that’s already been corrected. Hell, Debito’s only trying to make life better for foreigners who try to become a permanent citizen (he’s living there married for Pete’s sake! Not like he has some hidden agenda against a nation) He’s mostly hard on the guy simply ’cause he’s not spewing how great Japan is and how unique it is (again, what more needs to be said when he’s chosen to make the place a permanent home)




