Dr. RawheaD @RawheaD 19 時間19 時間前
まだメリークリスマスvsハッピーホリデーに拘ってるツイートが流れて来て失笑w Breitbartとかばっかり読んでたらそういう脳みそになるという典型じゃねーか。
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Dr. RawheaD
ちなみに全くあてずっぽうに、人気番組「Today Show」の昨年の12月25日放送を検索して見た:
言えない、というよりも 言わない 人が増えてきた、ということでしょうね。
Happy Holidays vs. Merry Christmas: The Last Thing That Ever Needs To Be Said About It | The Huffington Post via kwout
So this brings us to the Merry Christmas vs Happy Holiday debate that is not complicated and is solved with basic etiquette. If you know someone is a Christian who is celebrating Christmas you should say to them ‘Merry Christmas.’ Likewise, say ‘Happy Hanukkah’ to a person you know is Jewish, etc.
For example, during the month of Ramadan I say to my Muslim friends ‘Ramadan Mubarak’ because it shows them that I acknowledge their tradition and wish them well as they observe the holy time in their calendar. This courtesy and respect should be part of what it means to live in a pluralistic society and it is easy for all of us to offer to those to whom we are close.
However, if you don’t know the spiritual tradition of a co-worker, friend, or stranger in the elevator but wish to offer them a ‘Season’s greeting’ — a simple ‘Happy Holiday’ is not at all an insult or a denigration of Christmas, or any other tradition. It is an appropriate and inclusive salutation that recognizes that there are many ways that people are observing the season and you don’t know enough to be specific.
That is the very reason that many stores use Happy Holidays rather than Merry Christmas, because they want to be inclusive and welcome as many dollars, ahem, people, into their stores as possible. So, using Happy Holidays is not anti-Christmas, it is pro-business, and we don’t want to be anti-business do we?