Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2016年02月11日 01時10分15秒 | Weblog

音節si・ne・cure 発音記号/sάɪnɪkj`ʊɚ|‐kj`ʊə/
(実務がなくて収入のある)閑職; 楽で収入のいい仕事

In exit polls, a majority of New Hampshire voters said their most important issue was income inequality and the candidate quality they cared most about was honesty. Clearly, she wasn’t going to outdo Sanders on income inequality, and polls consistently have indicated voters aren’t sure about Clinton’s trustworthiness.

Second, she is a thoroughly status quo figure

But the rules have changed. Voters these days don’t care much about those kinds of political assets. They think Washington is dysfunctional because it is corrupt, and that it is corrupt because it has been captured by people who have turned the nation’s government into their own little sinecure nest.

And on foreign policy he deftly separates himself from his opponent by noting proudly that he voted against the Iraq war, unlike Clinton, and it was “the right vote.”


“They make them,” he said, “for their own benefit, not for the country’s benefit.” Thus did he echo Bernie Sanders’s suggestion that the country’s political system seems to be veering toward oligarchy.

The New York businessman emphasized the significance of his self-funding campaign. The other candidates are pouring money into campaign commercials, he said, “but it’s not their money. It’s special-interest money.”


What’s more, exit polls indicated that 66 percent of voters agreed with Trump’s call for a temporary ban on new Muslim immigration into the United States pending a review of how the influx could pose terrorist threats. This proposal was considered so outlandish that many establishment Republicans felt compelled to attack it as beyond the pale. And yet it seemed to touch a nerve in New Hampshire, demonstrating further the weakness of the status quo and the emergence of new political fault lines in America.




