Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

教訓?他  2

2009年04月23日 20時28分48秒 | Weblog
April 21, 2009

Report: Hispanic workers in South face
'hostility, discrimination and exploitation'



Many Hispanics are facing "widespread hostility, discrimination and exploitation" in the South, according to a report released today by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Hispanic workers in the South face "rampant abuse" by bosses in the work place and racial profiling by police on the streets, the report said. Hispanic women suffer through sexual abuse, fearful of fighting back because they might be deported, the report said.

And while the report ― titled "Under Siege: Life for Low-Income Latinos in the South" ― did not look specifically at Florida, the problems "probably don’t stop at the state border," Mary Bauer, director of immigrant justice for the Southern Poverty Law Center, said in a phone interview.

"In some of these issues, in terms of the larger picture, people being vilified and being treated as guilty and being subject to racial profiling, those are complaints that immigrant advocates hear everywhere in the country," Bauer said.

Crisanto said he has heard complaints from Hispanics who worked construction or in roofing and then were not paid. If Hispanic workers complain about not being paid, their bosses threaten to report them to police or immigration, Crisanto said.

"People are afraid to report anything, because they are afraid the police will arrest them, deport them," Crisanto said. "There is no confidence."

The traffic stops often are uncalled for, she said.

"There is no reason," Valtierra said. "They will say something about the car or the license plate or the tinting is too dark. But in the end the ticket is only for not having a driver’s license


Racial intolerance makes it hard for Salinas to come together
APRIL 21, 2009

As my pastor used to say "All are welcome in the kingdom of heaven, but you must enter through the gate!".

I have NO problem with immigrants of ANY race being here, as long as they do it right. However, I can tell you that growing up in this area, being a caucasian girl in a public school near Castroville- I got plenty of hatred thrown at me for no reason. I never did anything wrong to them.

A couple of years ago, I was walking out of a restaurant and a young boy held the door open for me. I thanked him and said sweetly called him a gentleman. His mother spun around and snapped at im saying "SHE can open the door for herself!" and looked at me like I was Satan...


Japan Pays Foreign Workers to Go Home

Japan to Immigrants: Thanks, But You Can Go Home Now
By COCO MASTERS / TOKYO Monday, Apr. 20, 2009

 どうも二つの記事で書かれている内容が異なるが、しかし、要するにこれは援助であって、この援助を受けないで日本に居てもいいし、援助を受けないで、本国にかえってもいい。援助をうけないでかえった場合は、いうところの制限はないわけだろう。まあ、それはともかく、では、海外ではどうなのか? 最近のニュースで検索してみよう。

Homeless immigrants flown home
Thursday, 5 March 2009

Charity Thames Reach is helping people who want to go home after being unable to find work or housing in the UK.
Christof from Poland, who had his passport stolen, was among the first people to return home under the scheme.
It is being supported by a £120,000 grant from the Department of Communities and Local Government.

Immigrants from eastern Europe who have been living rough on the streets of London are being flown back home in a government-backed scheme

'Save money'
"When we have people in circumstances in central London who are in the state we are seeing some of these people in, ultimately they are going to be a drain on the NHS," he said.
"So getting them back will save us money.



Polish immigrants are leaving USA
Iga Babinska

many of Polish immigrants, who succeeded in coming here, are leaving. Years of dreaming about America and then months of applying for a legalized stay don’t matter when the economic crisis hits.

Such is the story of Anna Kowalska*, 32, a Polish immigrant who lived in the U.S. for over eight years, during which she got married and had children. Last May however, Kowalska moved to Canada to seek a better and economically safer life.
“We realized that it’s going to get worse; that it’ll be hard to keep a job, especially in the construction business, where my husband worked. It was my husband’s job that really constituted our ‘be or not to be’,” said Kowalska

…Others return to Poland

There are many more Polish immigrants who, out of fear of the crisis, moved to different countries, such as Canada and Poland. However, there are no available statistics to show their exact number.

Today, some of those who left the U.S. are trying hard to return because the economic crisis turned out to be much worse in Poland. Jobs are hard to find and the prices of food rose greatly, even though salaries of most Polish citizens remained the same.

One of Kaminski’s clients, a Polish immigrant working at a shipping company, told her about the number of people who decided to move back to Poland. Most of them returned to their home country last year, during the time when the price of American dollar dropped significantly.



