Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2012年05月25日 22時05分44秒 | Weblog


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Mark Zuckerberg’s Marriage to Priscilla Chan Brings Out Racist Commenters
By Nadra Kareem Nittle, About.com GuideMay 20, 2012

On the Los Angeles Times website, a commenter named Waskoman exclaimed, "Man, those mail order compaines have some hot chicks! Just kidding!!!" Another, using the moniker Jihadlives, remarked, "He married a chank? What's up with that?"

What we have here is the assumption that because Chan has Chinese ancestry she can't be an American. Of course not. She must be a woman Zuckerberg shipped from overseas to be his submissive bride. In reality Chan is far from a mail order mate. She's an Ivy League-educated doctor who could hold her own without Zuckerberg, but the facts of the situation don't easily lend themselves to racist and sexist stereotypes. The second commenter relied on a misspelled racial slur rather than on a racial stereotype to object to Zuckerberg's decision to marry Chan. On a different note, a third L.A. Times commenter accused Zuckerberg of killing his own kind by intermarrying. Ome-Coatl wrote:

"Why didn't he marry 'a nice Jewish girl?'I once read a conservative Jewish commentator say that 'America's intermarriage culture is destroying Jews more effectively than did the Nazi gas chambers.' Perhaps it was hyperbole... or was it?"

The L.A. Times website was hardly the only one where racist commenters took aim at Zuckerberg and Chan. A commenter named Morney on the gossip web site Gawker applauded Zuckerberg's decision to marry interracially but for completely inappropriate reasons. He wrote, "Good for Mark to marry a submissive Asian woman, instead of a spoiled American. She's not a looker, but this way she'll take care of him and raise his kids, while he can still hit much hotter #@$!* on the side."

Once again, there's the assumption that Chan is not from the United States, as if Asian Americans don't exist. This commenter also assumes because Chan has Chinese heritage she'll be content to serve as Zuckerberg's caretaker (instead of the doctor she studied to be) and will be so passive she'll be cool if Zuckerberg cheats on her. On Gawker, a couple of commenters tried to show Morney that not all Asian women are passive, but they did so by invoking the "Dragon Lady" stereotype.

"You've never dated an Asian woman have you?" commenter Tsol asked Morney. "Especially a driven achiever like Priscilla--there is nothing submissive about them. In fact I guarantee that she's the one wearing the pants in that relationship. There's a reason the Dragon Lady stereotype stills exists."

A word to the wise: you don't fight a stereotype by mentioning another stereotype. Just as all Asian women aren't submissive, all Asian women certainly aren't domineering, so no one can guarantee that Priscilla Chan wears the pants in her relationship with Zuckerberg. As for why racial stereotypes still exist--it's because racism still does.

On TMZ.com commenters plainly suggested that Chan's Asianness makes her a whore. "Bet she love him long, long time," a commenter named Really? quipped. Others followed suit, and the scary thing is that a number of these comments received more favorable ratings from other viewers than unfavorable ones.

So, who cares if racist commenters don't like the fact that Mark Zuckerberg married a Chinese-American doctor? He could buy and sell everyone of those haters. That may be true, but if people exhibit this level of racial animus concerning a powerful couple they don't even know, imagine how people regard the interracial couples they pass on the street, live next to or are related to? It's also important to note that interracial couples consisting of a white man and an Asian woman are largely regarded as the least threatening of all. Given this, if Zuckerberg and Chan's marriage can stir up this much hate, what must interracial couples with a different ethnic makeup endure?

国際結婚 人種間結婚 アジア人女性 売春婦イメージ 固定観念


BBC News - WHO : Post-Fukushima radiation levels in Japan 'low' http://j.mp/JBn17L
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24 May 2012 Last updated at 11:03 GMT Share this pageEmailPrint
WHO : Post-Fukushima radiation levels in Japan 'low'

Radiation levels in most of Japan are below cancer-causing levels a year after the Fukushima plant accident, a World Health Organisation (WHO) report published on Wednesday says.

Two areas near the plant have relatively higher levels of radiation, but radiation levels in surrounding countries are close to normal.

The preliminary report is part of a wider ongoing health assessment by WHO.

Fukushima nuclear plant was badly damaged in the 2011 Japan earthquake.

Separately a UN scientific committee said several workers at the plant had been "irradiated after contamination of their skin".

"Six workers have died since the accident but none of the deaths were linked to irradiation," said a statement issued on interim findings by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Radiation (UNSCEAR).

Namie town and Itate village, near the plant in eastern Japan, are exposed to radiation levels of 10-50 millisieverts (mSv), while the rest of Fukushima has radiation levels of 1-10 mSv, the WHO report said.


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Foreigner-bashing rises amid China’s domestic woes | Asia News – Politics, Media, Education | Asian Correspondent http://j.mp/LE8CYA
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脱走ペンギン捕まえた 3月、東京の水族館から姿消す





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訪日外国人、164%増で震災前水準に 4月の観光局推計
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Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

住民票における外国人の記載 1,2)


6月16日(土)公開 映画『愛と誠』 予告篇


Clock Ticks On China-Japan Islands Dispute http://j.mp/KCvCjC @TIMEさんから 日中は尖閣をめぐって1、2年で武力衝突するかもと。東郷和彦氏がいつものように憂慮し、書き手は米が巻き込まれることを懸念している。

Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and LaborCountry Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2011

US releases annual human rights reportUpdated: 2012-05-25 10:42

WASHINGTON - The United States on Thursday released its controversial annual human rights report, once again pointing its finger at the human rights situation in other countries and regions, a notorious practice of interfering in other's internal affairs.
The report, entitled Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2011, highlights the "citizen uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa," in a change that "often creates instability before it leads to greater respect for democracy and human rights."

The report claimed that "overall human rights conditions remained extremely poor" in countries, including Iran, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Syria, Belarus and China.

Ignoring the obvious achievements made by China in protecting its citizens' rights and freedom, the report groundlessly slammed China for continued "deterioration" in key aspects of its human rights situation in 2011.

It even wrongfully blamed the immolations of monks and nuns in Tibetan regions on "political restrictions and lack of religious freedom."

China has made it clear that the self-immolations of monks and nuns in Tibetan regions were politically-motivated, as they were part of the Dalai Lama clique's scheme to internationalize the Tibet issue.

China has been consistent in rejecting the U.S. finger-pointing at China in the report, citing it is full of distortion and accusations.

It believes that the U.S. government has been using the human rights issue as a political tool to defame other nations and seek its own strategic interests.

The Chinese government has been committed to protecting human rights, and openly admitted that it has differences with the United States over issues concerning human rights.

It is also willing to have dialogues on the topic with the U.S. side on the basis of equality and mutual respect, yet it firmly stands against foreign interference with China's internal affairs under the pretext of human rights.

In response to the report, China has been issuing the Human Rights Record of the United States since 1998 to retort the impudent U.S. criticism of China's human rights conditions.


Loverilakkuma Says:
May 22nd, 2012 at 8:25 am

I just found one respondent who was bitching on the article you’ve recently wrote in JT.

It’s so hilarious to see how shallow –and clueless– people are, as usual. This girl in the YouTube doesn’t even know that she is insulting Japanese people with her words.

Here’s the link:


JS Says:

May 22nd, 2012 at 1:07 pm
@ Loverilakkuma 126

Thank you, thank you, for posting the YouTube link. I have often wondered who these “Debito haters” our there are. Now, after watching the video, I know who these naive and ditzy people are, who are always critisizing and dissing Debito.

The girl in the video is obviously so smart with so much experience, wisdom and such a broad world view…..NOT. All I could do while watching the rambling rant on the video was to laugh and think to myself that it’s nice to finally be able to put a face to all the “Debito haters” out there. It made me think of the old saying, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”. Ah, ignorance is indeed bliss, after all.

I have lived and worked in Toronto, and still hang on to my old OHIP card and Ontario drivers license. It is a beautiful multicultural city and one of the reasons Canada is so great. Thankfully, I never ran into anyone as ignorant as the girl in the video during my entire time in Toronto.

If these are the kinds of long term visitors or immigrants Japan attracts, then the country is in dire straits. Japan deserves better than this.

– It’s fortunate that someone like her was willing to link her face with her comments. Most of the pseudonymous Haters don’t.

ストーカー stalking

Anyone remember their take on culture shock? Have that issue?
chuckers May 23, 2012 at 9:39 am
This is why I feel the movie “Mr. Baseball” best represents what it is like to come to Japan. The Tom Selleck character goes all of those stages and it is shown beautifully.
This movie spoke to me more than “Lost in Translation” ever did. Likely because I had been in Japan for such an extended period that I didn’t feel the same loneliness anymore.


