Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2009年07月06日 03時26分16秒 | Weblog

Nearly 70 arrested after left-wing riots in Hamburg

Hamburg police have been called to the Schanzenviertel several times before
The northern German city of Hamburg has been hit by heavy rioting overnight as up to 1,000 left-wing activists and anarchists clashed with police after a street festival in central parts of Germany's second-largest city.


HAMBURG (AP) German officials say a leftist street party in Hamburg turned violent overnight and ended with 67 arrests and 28 police officers injured


spiegel ではどう報道されているか、と思って、みてみるが見つからない、かわりに見つけたのがこれ、

Neo-Nazi Demo Scares off German Football Team

An eastern German town ventured to make a political statement by hosting a soccer match under a slogan of racial tolerance. But when the far-right, neo-Nazi NPD announced it was going to demonstrate, the opposing team, Energie Cottbus, backed out.

人種の多様性に対する寛容さを示そうと、多様性への活力(With Energie for Tolerance)と銘打って、(たぶん有色人non-whiteの選手が多い)とあるチームを招待したら、ネオナチから脅迫を受けてチームは参加を辞退した、と。

Racism and soccer have a complicated history in Germany. Many fan clubs, particularly in eastern Germany, have become bastions fo the neo-Nazi movement. Some far-right groups even sponsor local soccer clubs. And non-white players often come in for racist abuse from the stands.
In 2006, a former government spokesman cast a shadow over the excited lead-up to the World Cup in Germany by warning non-white visitors not to go to parts of the former East German. Some called his reference to "no-go" areas exaggerated but when the far-right National Democratic Party (NPD) distributed a pamphlet suggesting that national team defender Patrick Owomoyela, of mixed German Nigerian birth, wasn't white enough to play on the team, many felt confirmed in their suspicion that there was a problem with racism in football.




