Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Feminists should be furious about Moon jae in's hypocrisy on Korean Sex Slaves

2017年06月23日 04時36分54秒 | Weblog


Japan is an important partner in the effort to resolve the North Korean crisis but Tokyo's refusal to fully own up to its wartime past, its claims to the disputed islands between the two countries as well as its growing military spending are concerning, Moon said.

"If Japan were to show its strong resolve in looking back on its past history and sending a message that such actions will never happen again... then I believe that this will go a long way in further developing its relations with not only Korea but also with many other Asian nations," he said.

Moon has said many South Koreans did not accept a deal reached by his conservative predecessor and Japan's Abe in 2015 to resolve the issue of Korean "comfort women" -- a euphemism for women forced to work in the Japanese military's wartime brothels.

"Japan does not make full efforts to resolve issues of history between our two countries, including the comfort women issue," Moon said.

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