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Trump's new immigration bill makes sense.

2017年08月06日 14時46分11秒 | Weblog









The rule changes for skill-based immigration should not be controversial. If nothing else, the proposal introduces much needed transparency in identifying which types of workers we seek. The Cotton-Perdue bill would divvy up the 140,000 visas now assigned to the employment preferences by using a point system similar to those adopted and used for several decades in other countries, including Canada, Australia and New Zealand. In rough terms, those point systems essentially grade visa applicants on the basis of personal characteristics, such as education, occupation and age; add up the points; and grant an entry visa to those who “pass the test.”

And why exactly is this type of merit-based visa allocation such a good thing from an economic perspective? Despite all the disagreement that economists have over the details of the economic impact of immigration, there is little, if any, disagreement about the fact that high-skill immigration benefits the United States far more than low-skill immigration.

Just look at the policies that other immigrant receiving countries pursue. Many already have point systems to filter the applicant pool, or they have put other policies into place that do the same thing, like the “blue card” in the European Union, giving preference to high-skill applicants. All these countries know something that the United States, to its detriment, has ignored for several decades: High-skill immigration is economically more profitable.

Just think for a minute about what that means. A newly arrived immigrant can eventually bring in his or her sibling. That sibling will then be able to bring in his or her spouse. But the sibling’s spouse will eventually be able to bring in the sibling’s spouse’s parents and siblings, and on and on.

It is this multiplier effect that the Cotton-Perdue proposal wants to eliminate by getting rid of the entitlement granted to immigrants to bring in their parents, adult children, and siblings. (Preference will still be given to minor children and spouses of immigrants.) But before dismissing the proposal outright, it is worth asking ourselves: Does it really make sense to have a policy that eventually guarantees an entry visa to the immigrant’s brother‘s wife‘s father‘s sister?

Some critics, like Senator Lindsey Graham, have already objected to the cut by claiming that the country needs continued high levels of low-skill immigration. As the narrative goes, immigrants do jobs that natives don’t want to do. But many news reports this summer provide anecdotal evidence that this claim is hogwash. Some of Trump’s immigration initiatives have left employers scrambling to fill jobs with native workers. And how exactly are they addressing the labor shortage? By offering higher wages and working conditions. It’s not that immigrants do jobs that natives don’t want to do. It’s that immigrants do jobs that natives don’t want to do at the going wage





