Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2011年10月11日 14時12分15秒 | Weblog
OCTOBER 10, 2011 · 4:02 PM
New Zealand Woman Admits To Racist Attacks On Asians Using Dogs

A New Zealand woman has admitted to two racially motivated attacks in which police say she got her dogs to attack two people who were walking in the street.

At a Christchurch District Court session at the Nga Hau e Wha Marae today, Phillipa Ann Parker, 18, pleaded guilty to two charges of assault using the dogs as a weapon.

Police said the incidents happened when she and a man were walking her dogs along Lincoln Rd on April 24. One dog was leashed and one unleashed.

A 38-year-old man from the Philippines was approached and Parker led her leashed dog to him and confronted him. She verbally encouraged her dog to attack him, but the man turned his back and lifted his jacket over his head to protect himself. The dog jumped on him and tried to bite his shoulder.

Parker unleashed the dog and both dogs chased the man as he ran away until he ran into a flat.

A short time later, an 18-year-old Japanese woman was approached and was shouted at to go home as she was not wanted here.

Parker then encouraged the dogs to attack the woman by pushing them towards her, and forcing her to back into a corner.

She was verbally abused as she huddled to protect herself from the dogs, which tried to bite her.

Parker and the man walked off as members of the public came to assist the woman. The pair were later arrested and the dogs impounded.

The man was not injured in his attack but his jacket was damaged. The woman had a puncture wound, deep scratches to her back and shoulder, and was taken to hospital.




Skinhead jailed for attacks on Asians
DAVID CLARKSON Last updated 17:35 30/09/2011

A white supremacist who attacked Asians as he walked along a Christchurch road has been jailed and told of the damage he has done to New Zealand.

The group Jared Levi Peck was with abused or attacked at least five Asians in Riccarton Rd on September 24 last year.

A Japanese man has now returned home and tells people they should be cautious about travelling to New Zealand.




