Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年12月09日 21時38分09秒 | Weblog
Capitalism: The Right Way to Promote Democracy
If the U.S. is going to promote democracy, it has a moral responsibility to get better at it.

By Zachary Keck
December 07, 2013

Although it held itself up as the leader of the free world during the Cold War, the U.S. was much more willing to stand by non-democratic governments so long as they were not communists and promised an iota of stability. Furthermore, when democracy and stability were at odds, the Cold War-era United States was usually more willing to side with the latter. Although the U.S. today still supports its fair share of non-democratic governments, its tolerance for them has lessened.

At the same time, the U.S. has become less successful at promoting democracy in the post-Cold War era. Consider that, throughout the course of the Cold War, nearly all of Western Europe and Eastern Asia became shining examples of democracy. By contrast, America’s experiments in democracy today are more likely to end in anarchy than democracy.

Some may attribute the divergent outcomes to the fact that in today’s world, America’s democracy promotion often takes place in war-ravished countries with no history of democratic governments. There may be some truth to this, which suggests the U.S. should take more care in selecting the countries where it seeks to promote democracy. Still, the argument is ultimately unpersuasive. After all, few places were as ravished by war following WWII than Europe and Asia. And while some countries in Europe had experience with democratic governments, surely this was not the case in places like South Korea and Taiwan.

By contrast, forward-thinking authoritarians can be persuaded to adopt capitalism and integration into the global economy, which can often shore up support for them domestically. Even as it does, economic growth and a modern economy gradually strengthen the institutions and new power brokers who will later be needed to rule in a stable democracy. In that way, capitalism not only gradually supports a transition to democracy, but it creates the conditions necessary to ensure a fairly stable transition to democratic rule.

Regarding the uncertain outcome, it is true that embracing capitalism doesn’t automatically lead to democratic rule. The People’s Republic of China seems to be evidence of that. However, these are the exceptions to the rule, and it’s quite possible that in time democracy will take hold in a country like China.

The bottom line is that if the U.S. is going to promote democracy, it has to get better at it. It is irresponsible and immoral to promote democracy if it is likely to lead to anarchy, no matter how pure initial intentions were. And if the U.S. wants to get better at promoting democracy, a good place to start would be by promoting forward-thinking authoritarian leaders who base their legitimacy on economic growth and integration into the global economy.










