Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

低姿勢 他

2011年08月31日 10時14分56秒 | Weblog


脱原発で菅首相にラブコール 福島氏「社民党首に」



福島第1原発:作業員が白血病で死亡 東電が発表




毎日新聞 2011年8月30日 東京夕刊

急性白血病で福島原発作業員死亡 東電「因果関係なし」






急性白血病で作業員死亡 福島第1原発に従事  「作業との因果関係なし」

 東電によると、急性白血病26 件に関する厚生労働省の労災認定基準は年間5ミリシーベルト以上の被ばく、1年間の潜伏期間などがある。この男性の福島第1原発での作業は、基準に達しないという。



Fukushima radiation alarms doctors
Japanese doctors warn of public health problems caused by Fukushima radiation.
Dahr Jamail Last Modified: 18 Aug 2011

有道氏が引用している記事 http://www.debito.org/?p=9314#comment-259603

Doctors in Japan are already treating patients suffering health effects they attribute to radiation from the ongoing nuclear disaster.

"We have begun to see increased nosebleeds, stubborn cases of diarrhoea, and flu-like symptoms in children," Dr Yuko Yanagisawa, a physician at Funabashi Futawa Hospital in Chiba Prefecture, told Al Jazeera.

She attributes the symptoms to radiation exposure, and added: "We are encountering new situations we cannot explain with the body of knowledge we have relied upon up until now."



Yanagisawa's hospital is located approximately 200km from Fukushima, so the health problems she is seeing that she attributes to radiation exposure causes her to be concerned by what she believes to be a grossly inadequate response from the government.


訳はcolin's universe 2より。









Solar bottle-bulbs bring light to Filipinos
A simple, innovative and cheap idea is bringing light to many poor people without electricity.
Last Modified: 30 Aug 2011


ときどきブログにコメントするチャートさんの可愛らしい 娘さんがでている。

August 27, 201

Racial Intimidation Escalates In Arroyo Grande

As the trial date of four alleged white supremacist draws near, intimidation of a mixed race family in Arroyo Grande has escalated.

In broad daylight, on Saturday, someone spray painted the name of a white supremacist gang and a cross on a wall across the street from the family’s Elm Street home using a pre-made template. The vandalism faced the site of an earlier cross burning.

On March 18, shortly after midnight, an African American teenage girl heard loud noises coming from her yard. She went outdoors and stood on their back porch, but saw no one.

She then went back to her bedroom, turned off the light and saw an 11-foot cross burst into flames directly outside her window. She yelled to her mother, and called police.

The cross had been stolen from St. John’s Lutheran Church in Arroyo Grande on March 1.

The family, which has lived in the area for 10 years, is not being named to protect their privacy. However, for this article we will refer to the mother as Anna.

Earlier today, Anna left her daughter at home to have breakfast with a friend. She arrived home to see the words “Elm St. Woods” with a the “T” looking like a cross on the wall facing the site of the earlier cross burning.

The “peckerwoods” is the name of a California based skinhead gang, known to trade in methamphetamine. A few decades ago, the abbreviated term “woods” entered California prison slang.

Since the cross burning, the family has been the victim of numerous acts of intimidation including arriving home in the evening to find a truck with several people parked in front of their home. Each time, the truck has sped off as Anna and her daughter pull up to their home.

One alleged affiliate of the gang boldly knocked on their front door a few months ago, an action the gang allegedly used to determine if Anna and her daughter still lived in the Elm Street house.

And while two other African Americans moved from the street in the primarily white community within a few months of the cross burning, the victims did not.

Anna has worked for the same local employer for 17 years and has great credit. However, she is currently working from home because of a stroke she suffered about a year ago.

Because of this, Anna will need assistance with the move and is having trouble finding an affordable rental and coming up with a security deposit.

Early on, members of the community vowed to help the family, but no one followed through with their offers.

Meanwhile, Anna has moved a large dining cabinet in front of one of the homes larger windows and has also brought a dog into the home. But still, she worries how the stress is affecting her daughter, Anna said.

In July, police arrested Orcutt resident Jason Kahn, 36, San Simeon transient Jeremiah Hernandez, 32, Arroyo Grande transient William Soto, 20, and San Simeon transient Sara Matheny, 24. All four are former Arroyo Grande residents.

Each of the suspects is charged with arson, cross burning, terrorism, conspiracy and hate crime enhancements while conspiring with others.

Kahn was also charged with witness intimidation.

There is some evidence that the suspects are connected to organized hate groups, police said.

Nevertheless, several of the suspects’ attorneys have successfully garnered some public support because Soto is Filipino-American, Hernandez is Native American and Hispanic and Kahn is sometimes a Jewish name.

The attorneys said racism shouldn’t be considered a part of the case.

In March, Arroyo Grande Mayor Tony Ferrara labeled the burning of the cross outside the home of an African American as a possible prank. At a press conference a week after the cross burning, city officials said there were no known hate groups in the area.

Even so, basic research on the Internet―including Facebook, MySpace, and Stormfront―suggests the skinhead movement enjoys many followers in this South County community.


AUGUST 28, 2011 · 1:55 PM
Study: Racial Disparities Taint Military’s Use Of Death Penalty

<blockquotet>en of the 16 men whom the military has sentenced to death in the last 27 years share another common characteristic: They’re all non-whites.

The racial imbalance in the military’s death penalty isn’t new. As far back as the early 1970s, the military has acknowledged racial bias in its judicial system. The civilian court systems have similar disparities.

But one recent statistical analysis has found that the problem endures and is in some ways worse than on the civilian side.

A study by a group of law and statistics professors found that non-whites in the military were twice as likely to be sentenced to death as their white counterparts, a statistic higher than is known to exist in most civilian court systems.


Majority of Muslim-Americans feel targeted by terror policies and claim to be singled out
Last updated at 7:04 AM on 30th August 2011

In all, 52 per cent of Muslim-Americans surveyed said their group is singled out by government for terrorist surveillance.
Almost as many ― 43 per cent ― reported they had personally experienced harassment in the past year, according to the poll released on Tuesday.

That 43 per cent share of people reporting harassment is up from 40 per cent in 2007, the first time Pew polled Muslim-Americans.
Asked to identify in what ways they felt bias, about 28 per cent said they had been treated or viewed with suspicion by people, while 22 per cent said they were called offensive names.
About 21 per cent said they were singled out by airport security because they were Muslim, while another 13 per cent said they were targeted by other law enforcement officials.
Roughly 6 per cent said they had been physically threatened or attacked.
On the other hand, the share of Muslim-Americans who view U.S. anti-terror policies as 'sincere' efforts to reduce international terrorism now surpasses those who view them as insincere ― 43 per cent to 41 per cent.
Four years ago, during the presidency of George W. Bush, far more viewed U.S. anti-terrorism efforts as insincere than sincere ― 55 per cent to 26 per cent.
The vast majority of Muslim-Americans ― 79 per cent ― rate their communities as either 'excellent' or 'good' places to live, even among many who reported an act of vandalism against a mosque or a controversy over the building of an Islamic centre in their neighbourhoods.

They also are now more likely to say they are satisfied with the current direction of the country ― 56 per cent, up from 38 per cent in 2007.
That is in contrast to the general U.S. public, whose satisfaction has dropped from 32 per cent to 23 per cent.
Andrew Kohut, Pew president, said in an interview that Muslim-Americans' overall level of satisfaction was striking.
'I was concerned about a bigger sense of alienation, but there was not,' Mr Kohut said, contrasting the U.S. to many places in Europe where Muslims have become more separatist.
'You don't see any indication of brewing negativity. When you look at their attitudes, these are still middle-class, mainstream people who want to be loyal to America.'



Figures show seven hate crimes a day being committed across Wales

by Sam Malone, Western MailAug 30 2011

AN AVERAGE of seven hate crimes are committed across Wales every day, new figures have revealed.

Since 2005, Welsh police forces have recorded nearly 13,000 incidents which were perceived by the victim to be motivated by prejudice or hate.

More than 80% of the alleged offences took place in South Wales with Wales’ largest police force recording 8,177 racially-related incidents and 1,545 offences thought to be triggered by homophobic prejudices.

The data, which was released under the Freedom of Information Act, reveals a marked variation between the locations where hate crimes have been committed, with just 98 incidents recorded in the Dyfed-Powys force area compared to 2,165 in North Wales and 10,723 in South Wales. Figures from Gwent Police were yesterday unavailable.

Campaigners and anti-hate crime groups last night hailed the rise in reports in the south of the country – some categories of which have risen by as much as 300% – saying they showed an increased awareness of hate crimes.


Hate crimes ‘not reported to police’
by Rachael Misstear, Western MailAug 24 2011

MORE than 9,000 hate crime incidents could be taking place in Wales every year – almost five times the number of cases reported to police, a charity has claimed.


30 August 2011 Last updated at 06:33 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterEmailPrint
Filipino fishermen visa reprieve welcome



Strangford MP Jim Shannon, who campaigned on behalf of the Filipinos, said he had met some of them and been impressed by their work ethic.

"When you tell them to be on the harbour at 2am, they are there waiting, ready to go," he added.




19 July 2011 Last updated at 06:20 GMT Share this pageFacebookTwitterEmailPrint
Jim Shannon calls for Filipino fishermen to stay in N

Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Filipino fishermen suffer abuse

By Andy Martin
Good Morning Ulster

A BBC investigation has found evidence of physical and racial abuse of Filipino nationals in Northern Ireland's fishing industry.



Catholic clergy 'abused children for decades in County Donegal'
Report is expected to claim police were complicit in cover-up of sexual abuse by priests and lay members of the church

Henry McDonald, Ireland correspondent
guardian.co.uk, Monday 29 August 2011 13.36 BST
Article history



Asian brides for sale
The mail order bride industry is flourishing in Asia, but is it also leading to sex trafficking and domestic violence?
101 East Last Modified: 21 Jul 2011


遺族の思い、柔道界動かす 滋賀の柔道部員死亡から2年

武道の必修化 事故の危険直視しよう(8月21日)




Forty Years in Captivity
Austrian Man Allegedly Abused Daughters for Decades


Russian cannibal caught in the act
Posted May 17, 2011 19:37:00

Police in Moscow have arrested a man who dismembered an acquaintance and kept his body parts in a fridge, officials said.

Nikolai Shadrin was arrested after police located the apartment where he killed a 40-year-old Muscovite, Ilya Yegorov, in early May.

At the time of his arrest, Shadrin was eating a stew of human liver, police spokesman Aleksei Saveliev said, according to RIA Novosti agency.

Man confesses to eating date
2011-08-29 22:27

St Petersburg - Investigators said on Monday that Russian police had arrested a man who confessed to murdering and eating another man he met through a gay personals website.

The 21-year-old man was arrested on Friday, several days after human remains were found in the northern city of Murmansk.

According to investigators, the suspect said he had met a 32-year-old man through the internet and invited him to his house, where he stabbed him to death.

He afterwards dismembered the body and ate the remains.

"The only motive for the murder was his desire to taste human flesh," said regional investigative committee chief Fyodor Blyudyonov.



UK should keep its nose out of new Libya – British MP
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Published: 29 August, 2011,

he opposition MP says Britain should at any costs avoid becoming an occupation force in Libya, because any occupying power everywhere “starts off being a friend of someone, and you end up being hated by everyone.”
“Occupying force is a very dangerous place to be and you should get out as quickly as you can,” he notes.




