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’What I would ultimately want is this ideal of a safe space for Europeans’

2016年11月20日 10時44分23秒 | Weblog

“What I would ultimately want is this ideal of a safe space for Europeans,” Spencer NPR host Kelly McEvers in an interview aired Thursday. Spencer heads the National Policy Institute and is described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as “one of the country’s most successful young white nationalist leaders—a suit-and-tie version of the white supremacists of old, a kind of professional racist in khakis.”

He described his ideal white nation: “This is a big empire that would accept all Europeans. It would be a place for Germans, it would be a place for Slavs, it would be a place for Celts, it would be a place for white Americans and so on.”

“What I’m saying is that Europeans defined America, they defined what it is,” Spencer continued. “European people were the indispensable people who defined this nation socially and politically and culturally and demographically, obviously. I care about us more.”






