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'Victims Can Lie as Much as Other People'  APのヤマグチ記者にも聞かせてやりたい

2014年06月06日 15時24分22秒 | Weblog


'Victims Can Lie as Much as Other People' - Pat Joseph - The Atlantic http://j.mp/1oyz0T2  ニコラス・クリストフ問題

'Victims Can Lie as Much as Other People'
What the Somaly Mam scandal says about the media's treatment of humanitarian heroes
PAT JOSEPHJUN 5 2014, 1:45 PM ET


Kristof said. “Over the years, for example, I’ve learned that victims of human rights abuses lie and exaggerate as much as perpetrators do. It’s very easy if you’re passionate and outraged to listen to victims and not double-check and triple-check and listen to the other side―or to get defensive when you’ve taken the victims’ side and not investigate charges that you’ve gone too far.”



No reporter went quite as far as Kristof in elevating Mam’s profile. The crusading journalist has promoted her work in half a dozen columns and blog posts, as well as his documentary, Half the Sky. He even penned the foreword to her autobiography, The Road of Lost Innocence, in which he called her “the Harriet Tubman of Southeast Asia’s brothels.”

あの手のジャーナリストはThe crusading journalistというのか。いいね。

It appears Nicholas Kristof knew, long before most, that journalists were calling Pross’s story into question.



