Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

"Bomb North Korea, Before It’s Too Late 手遅れにならないうちに、北朝鮮を先制攻撃せよ”

2013年04月14日 10時14分43秒 | Weblog
Bomb North Korea, Before It’s Too Late
Published: April 12, 2013

American intelligence agencies believe that North Korea is working to prepare even longer-range delivery systems to carry the nuclear warheads already in its arsenal.

The Korean crisis has now become a strategic threat to America’s core national interests. The best option is to destroy the North Korean missile on the ground before it is launched. The United States should use a precise airstrike to render the missile and its mobile launcher inoperable.

The purpose is to neutralize a clear and present danger. That is all.

If North Korea is left to continue its threatening behavior, it will jeopardize the fragile economies of the region and it will encourage South Korea and Japan to develop their own nuclear weapons ― a policy already advocated by hawks in both countries. Most of all, North Korean threats will encourage isolated states across the world to follow suit.

The North Korean government would certainly view the American strike as a provocation, but it is unlikely that Mr. Kim would retaliate by attacking South Korea, as many fear. First, the Chinese government would do everything it could to prevent such a reaction. Even if they oppose an American strike, China’s leaders understand that a full-scale war would be far worse. Second, Mr. Kim would see in the American strike a renewed commitment to the defense of South Korea. Any attack on Seoul would be an act of suicide for him, and he knows that.



NYTを形容するにはどういったのがいいかな? ーーー軍事帝国主義的雑誌?


