Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2008年11月26日 11時23分00秒 | Weblog
But she was stabbed to death in the Fairfield, Calif., Dollar Tree where she worked in March 2006, by a white man who reportedly attacked her simply because she was black.

Now, Talley's mother is fighting to get her daughter's workers compensation death benefits, which, according to the family's lawyer, have been denied because the killer's targeting her as a black person established a "personal connection" that the company says releases them from having to pay.



Racial disparities persist despite Obama election


About a quarter of black Americans live in poverty - nearly three times the rate for whites - at a time when rising budget deficits and expensive corporate bailouts are going to leave little federal money for anti-poverty programs. The federal budget deficit is likely to hit a record $1 trillion next year.

Black adults are less likely than whites to have college degrees and more likely to be in prison. Blacks are less likely than whites to have health insurance and, on average, they don't live as long as whites. Homicide is the leading cause of death among black males ages 15 to 34 - and it has been for years.

The good news: Poverty and education levels for blacks have improved in the past two decades, and incarceration rates for blacks are dropping even as they increase for whites.

Still, the income gap has barely changed in 30 years, with a typical black household making only 62 percent of the income of a typical white household.

Marc Morial, president and CEO of the National Urban League, knows the numbers well. Each year, the civil rights group publishes a book called "The State of Black America," which has chapters of data on disparities between whites and blacks.

"A mere election does not change the abject conditions for African-Americans or the 230-plus years of racial injustice," Morial said.


'I've been in this country for 35 years and know prejudice. I doubt it could happen in England'

"It is historic and a blow against racism," he said. "People don't talk about it much, but there is racism in many parts of Latin America, especially Brazil ... To see a black man in the White House is something to cheer."

In Paris, however, optimism was tempered by the widespread belief that it couldn't happen in France. "Don't get me wrong, I hope he'll do good things, go into fewer wars, that kind of thing," said Amir Baroui, a 28-year-old shopkeeper of Tunisian origin. "But it's not the same here. In France - well, you saw it with Ségolène [Royal, the defeated presidential candidate] last year: we don't want women and we don't want blacks or Arabs or anyone who isn't white."


The murders have also focused new attention on an area plagued by violence so chronic that the gunfire coming from the Hudson family home last Friday morning did not even warranted a phone call to police.



September 8, 2008 | 9:11 AM ET Comments36Recommend48
CBC News

The firing of eight Toronto women by the giant package delivery company UPS goes before a federal human rights tribunal on Monday.

The women, all of them of Somali origin, were working as temporary employees for the global delivery company. They claim UPS discriminated against them when it refused to hire them permanently.

Anisa Hagi is one of the complainants.

She flipped and scanned up to 50 parcels a minute for UPS at its sorting plant on Steeles Avenue West. She got the job through a temp agency in 2005.

Nadifo Yusuf did the same work for nearly two years, never missing a shift. "I liked my work. I was a good worker and a hard worker and they [UPS] were happy too," she said.

Hagi, Yusuf and the other Somali women always wore ankle-length skirts to work.

Hagi said UPS never mentioned their clothing posed a safety hazard during the time she worked as a temp. But when a new union contract forced UPS to hire the women away from the temp agency and give them permanent jobs with better pay and benefits, Hagi says, everything changed.

Yusuf said her supervisor gave her an ultimatum: "You have to pull up your skirt above the knee, otherwise go out."

The supervisor said the type of floor-length skirt the women had worn to work every day for nearly two years was a tripping hazard.

"They actually gave me two choices, which is either raise your skirt so you can work here, or don't show up to work," said Hagi.

The other temps of Somali origin got the same ultimatum from UPS. They too refused to shorten their skirts and all were laid off.

"Temporary workers face rampant human rights violations," said Jacqui Chic, the lawyer representing the women, as well as "employment standards violations and frankly every other possible statutory violation you can think of."

"You can't keep workers for ― in some cases ― as much as 27 months, never once raise a health and safety issue and then use health and safety as an excuse to turf people at the point in which you would have had to pay them more," said Chic.

UPS and its lawyer have refused comment.



Business as usual for police racists
Lack of progress since the Lawrence inquiry means black communities can have little faith in the police service



The website at the centre of controversy over racist abuse of British formula one driver Lewis Hamilton is owned by a New York-based advertising agency, TWBA, which is part of the world's largest media services group, Omnicom, the Guardian can reveal.

The site belongs to the Spanish branch of the advertising firm. It was closed down last night after hundreds of abusive messages were posted, some of which referred to Hamilton as a "half-breed" and others which used the n-word. He hopes to become youngest ever world champion at the final race of the season tomorrow.



The tragedy of Australia's past
The story of black Australia




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Unknown (アメリカ: 黒人と白人の結婚を不許可)
2009-10-17 01:44:17
Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License By Justice of Peace

"I'm not a racist," Bardwell told the newspaper. "I do ceremonies for black couples right here in my house. My main concern is for the children."
Unknown (Unknown)
2009-10-17 02:09:41
Interracial couple in Louisiana denied marriage license
October 16, 2009

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) -- Civil rights advocates in eastern Louisiana are calling for a justice of the peace of Tangipahoa Parish to resign after he refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple.

Terence McKay claims a justice of the peace refused to give him and his white girlfriend a marriage license.

"He's an elected public official and one of his duties is to marry people. He doesn't have the right to say he doesn't believe in it," Patricia Morris, president of the NAACP branch of Tangipahoa Parish, located near the Mississippi line, said Thursday.

"If he doesn't do what his position calls for him to do, he should resign from that position."

The demands for Keith Bardwell, justice of the peace for Tangipahoa Parish's 8th Ward, to step down came after he wouldn't issue a marriage license to Beth Humphrey, 30, and her boyfriend, Terence McKay, 32, both of Hammond.

"I was just really shocked, because he's an elected official," Humphrey said. Watch Terence McKay react to the denial of a marriage license »

Bardwell didn't immediately return calls from CNN on Thursday.

However, Bardwell told Hammond's Daily Star newspaper that he was concerned for the children who might be born of the relationship and that, in his experience, most interracial marriages don't last.

Don't Miss
In Depth: Black in America
"I'm not a racist," Bardwell told the newspaper. "I do ceremonies for black couples right here in my house. My main concern is for the children."

Bardwell, stressing that he couldn't personally endorse the marriage, said his wife referred the couple to another justice of the peace.

The bride says the case boils down to discrimination.

Humphrey told CNN that she called Bardwell on October 6 to ask about getting a marriage license, and was asked by his wife whether it would be an interracial marriage. Humphrey said she was told that Bardwell does not sign off on interracial marriages.

She said the couple -- who received their marriage license October 9 from another justice of the peace in the same parish -- have reached out to an attorney to determine their next step.

"We would like him to resign," she said. "He doesn't believe he's being racist, but it is racist."

Morris told CNN that her NAACP chapter has forwarded the case to the state and national levels of the civil rights group.

According to the Census Bureau, Tangipahoa Parish is about 70 percent white and 30 percent black.


