Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

といった つづき

2011年02月08日 21時27分35秒 | Weblog

China's economic invasion of Africa
About a million Chinese, from engineers to chefs, have moved to work in Africa in the past decade. Xan Rice talks to some of them to find out why

Xan Rice
guardian.co.uk, Sunday 6 February 2011



Blame consumer capitalism, not multiculturalism

. Behind Cameron's speech – and those of Blair and Brown – is a nostalgia for a strong national collective identity, and a sense of shared values. But after a generation of individualism and globalisation, all kinds of collective identities have been weakened or abandoned. Many of the institutions that expressed and inculcated a sense of nationhood are in decline, whether political parties, trade unions or Christian churches. The fabric of institutional life in which we expressed values has been discarded in favour of individual freedom. The "vision of society" that Cameron urges as necessary is in fact already in evidence – in a million versions of consumer capitalism 24/7, and it promotes acquisitiveness.



“I am guilty of breaking law which forbids free speech” – Danish MP
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Published: 06 February, 2011

Multiculturalism is costing Europe its right to free speech, says Danish MP Jesper Langballe, who was convicted for making an anti-Muslim hate speech.
Langballe says Denmark has fostered a special culture of feeling offended.
“A lot of people in Denmark – first of all Muslims, but also many left-wing people – see feeling offended as an art. The legal system shouldn’t care about people feeling offended, but should ask instead: Are they really offended? Is it true what those men say?”
He added that the law on hate speech that he was convicted of breaking is actually the main problem.



Anti-Islamists and anti-fascists rally in UK

Published: 05 February, 2011

Several thousand of the English Defense League’s supporters gathered on Saturday in the English town of Luton to protest against Islam, while a few hundred meters away there was a demonstration by an anti-fascist group.
As the British Prime Minister David Cameron spoke in Munich about the failure of multiculturalism, urging the minority groups living in the UK to do more to integrate, the English town of Luton braced itself for a march of the far-right group – the English Defense League.
The League was founded in Luton 18 months ago after extremist Muslims, who started settling in the town, began their own protest against soldiers coming home from Afghanistan. It was then that the EDL founders decided it was worth getting together to protest against the “Islamification” of the UK. Since its foundation, the league has held about 30 marches in many cities across the country.
The EDL considers immigrants to be the most dangerous threat for their country. Though they acknowledge that there are a lot of different minorities living in peace in the UK, they condemn Islam as a religion they find extremist by its nature.
However, many see a certain extent of extremism in the league itself. Luton residents claim that some of the league members are just football hooligans. Still, the league has submitted an official bid to become a legitimate association. They are trying to get the violence and football hooliganism under control in order to eventually attract more people to their organization.



Suleiman 'panned' Egypt opposition
Leaked US cables raise questions over whether vice-president can be honest broker in any talks with Muslim Brotherhood.
Last Modified: 07 Feb 2011

In the cables, obtained by the Reuters news agency through the whistle-blowing organisation WikiLeaks, Suleiman is reported to have told US officials that the Muslim Brotherhood was creating armed groups.

He is also said to take "an especially hard line on Tehran", and in one dated January 2 2008, Suleiman is quoted as saying that Iran remained "a significant threat to Egypt".

In a cable dated February 15, 2006, Francis Ricciardone, then the US ambassador to Egypt, reported that Suleiman had "asserted that the MB [Muslim Brotherhood] had spawned '11 different Islamist extremist organisations', most notably the Egyptian Islamic Jihad and the Gama'a Islamiya [Islamic Group]".

'Technically illegal'

The cable, which uses the spelling "Soliman", goes on to say: "The principal danger, in Soliman's view, was the group's exploitation of religion to influence and mobilise the public."


Bush cancels visit to Geneva
Organisers say the move was made on security grounds and not because of criminal complaints against him in Swiss courts.
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2011


Bush puts off Swiss visit fearing criminal prosecution
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Published: 06 February, 2011


さて そのイラク侵攻について、

ROROTOKO :: Richard Ned Lebow on his book Why Nations Fight

Richard Ned Lebow この方は、地政学を学ぶ、の奥山氏が推薦していた著書の著者だね。


In modern times the spirit (thumos) has largely been ignored by philosophy and social science. I contend it is omnipresent. It gives rise to the universal drive for self-esteem, which finds expression in the quest for honor or standing. By excelling at activities valued by our peer group or society, we win the approbation of those who matter and feel good about ourselves.

I constructed a data set of all inter-state wars involving great and aspiring rising powers from 1648 to the present. The data set identifies initiators of war (often multiple); their motives (security, material advantage, standing, revenge, and domestic politics); the outcome (win, lose, or draw); the nature of the rules, if any, governing warfare; the duration and intensity of the war; and the character of the peace settlement.

Contrary to realist expectations, I find security responsible for only 19 of 94 wars. A significant number of these wars pitted great powers against other great powers and none of them were associated with power transitions. This does not mean that security is unimportant in international affairs; it was a primary concern of all states that were attacked. Material interests are also a weak motive for war, being responsible for only 8 wars, and most of those in the eighteenth century.

The struggle for standing is the major cause of war

A significant increase in standing of countries associated with alternate visions of the international system was indicated, for example, by a BBC World Service poll conducted in early 2007. As reported in Australia’s The Age, Canada and Japan topped the list of countries that respondents (54%) viewed as exerting a positive influence in the world, followed by France (50%), Britain (45%), China (42%), and India (37%).

From the vantage point of say the year 2030, we might look back on the Iraq war as one of the defining moments of the international relations of the twenty-first century because of the way it delegitimized the unilateral use of force and foregrounded and encouraged alternative, peaceful means of gaining standing.

A close-up

The Iraq invasion of 2003 was justified by the Bush administration on the grounds of national security. But all of the principal advisors of the administration of president George W. Bush’s father privately told the president that no security or economic interest was at stake―and that intervention could put them at risk.

Oil is another unsatisfactory explanation for the Iraq invasion. The oil companies themselves did not favor war, but wanted the administration to end sanctions so they could buy and distribute Iraqi oil.

The invasion is best understood as an attempt to exploit America's comparative military advantage to lock in “the unipolar movement” for reasons of standing. Rather than making friend and foe alike more complaint, it provided the need and opportunity for them to become more recalcitrant.



'Racist US bankers' to blame for credit crisis
By Rosa Prince, Political Correspondent 7:30AM GMT 07 Feb 2011

Mr Phillips will say: “I know it's not a thing that the bankers and economists like to talk about, but the American financial crisis was precipitated at least in part by racial prejudice.
“Why were so many minority families taking these expensive loans?
Because discrimination left them with no choice



